
Monday, June 27, 2011

Manny Mondays: Gone Fishin' Open Thread Edition

Morning all! I'm not really going fishing, but my wife and I did leave a day early for our 8th wedding anniversary trip to Madeline Island, our first visit there, so have at it, folks. We've heard good things about it and are very excited about the trip. Therefore, since I didn't have time to keep up with the news this weekend and write a post, the floor is yours. Back late Thursday! Enjoy the week. Sorry for the short notice, but put your shorts on. Manny's heading out of town!


  1. Manny,

    Looks like an awesome trip. I have been as far as Duluth, but those islands look like fun. Are you planning on wearing your parka while kayaking? ;-)

  2. Mannwich- Congratulations on your first 8 years, today is my wife's and mine 14th anniversary.

    From the few things you have said about her, it sounds like you caught yourself a good woman, so I hope together you two can catch a lot of fish on your trip

    Mangy Mutt

  3. Greetings from Bayfield, WI all! Congrats Mutt to and your wife as well. Today is our anniversary as well. @Denise - hopefully no parka needed but wet suits will be provided and it's supposed to be mid 70s and sunny tomorrow if the forecast is to be believed so that will help! Let's hope they are right for w change lately.

  4. Off to the island via the ferry later today. Will check in later.

  5. Happy Anniversary to both Manny and Mutt!

    Warm and rainy here (again). At least it's warm.

  6. Do wet suits keep mosquitoes off?

  7. Going into the holiday weekend it might be light commenting this week and next.

  8. Mosquito is the state bird in MN, that's true.

  9. Not warm enough for too many Mosquitos yet, Rock. The only good thing about our crappy summer thus far. Didn't notice any here at all yesterday.

  10. Strength in financials today. Bulls and bears have been disappointed the past week.

  11. That is true Denise but not this summer yet! The gnats are barely even out at this point.

  12. I should say the last two weeks.

  13. VIX did not make a new high on the last push down.

  14. Trin last made a new high on June 6th.

  15. Actually, here, there are very few bugs. They often fog, and spray. And the poisionus treesnakes keep the big bugs under control. The gardner here showed me 2 of them he caught the other day. They're like 4' long, but the diameter of a pencil.

    I have had about 5 bugs in my place in 4 years. However, one was a 27" long cockroach.

    I sprayed the crap out of him. He LSD'd.

  16. Manny,

    You know it is a cold summer when the mosquitoes are not out. We have tons of them from the wet spring.

  17. Rock,

    There aren't enough snakes, birds, or other insect eating things to keep our bug population under control.

  18. Nice rally, but it needs to tack on another 100 Dow points just to keep going.

  19. Only in America:

    95 Year Old Woman in a wheel chair asked to remove her adult diaper so that the TSA could search her.

    Jean Weber of Destin filed a complaint with the Department of Homeland Security after her 95-year-old mother was detained and extensively searched last Saturday while trying to board a plane to fly to Michigan to be with family members during the final stages of her battle with leukemia.

    Her mother, who was in a wheelchair, was asked to remove an adult diaper in order to complete a pat-down search.

    “It’s something I couldn’t imagine happening on American soil,” Weber said Friday. “Here is my mother, 95 years old, 105 pounds, barely able to stand, and then this.”

  20. Hmmmm, maybe on my flight back I'd better forego my Depends?


  21. Rock,

    When you think you will come home?

  22. @Dss:

    The current date of Freedom is July 4. Believe it or not.

    Santa Fe is coming that morning to start packing. They think it will take 4 days to pack and load the container. Then it takes 6-10 weeks for the container to hit the other side, and get thru customs. I get to live in a service apartment for those weeks.

    Then there's a Taiwan hub installation, actually Tainan, and The Man is demanding my presence for that. We'll see. I want to go there about as much as to Somalia.

  23. Morning folks! Late start today

  24. Rock,

    July 4th where you are is just another day. Good luck with all of that. I get tired just thinking of moving again, but I know it is in my future.

  25. Dow is up 140. Impressive, but not earth shattering. Where it closes is more important.

  26. Trin stayed low all day which is a sign of buying, which includes short covering.

  27. Decent tick readings today, no new tick daily lows since 6/15. Just a piece of the puzzle, not the whole picture.

  28. Up volume is 59% of total volume which indicates that this rally is not hugely powerful.

  29. Thor,

    I think lots of people are getting ready for the holiday weekend, got to pack more into fewer days.

  30. Whose stimulus?

    Big businesses are telling Washington that they are willing to do their bit for the economy — if the price is right. Multinational companies say they could repatriate hundreds of billions in foreign profits and pump them into domestic investment and hiring, but only if Congress and the White House agree to cut the tax rate on those profits to 5.25 percent from 35 percent. They call their plan “the next stimulus.” Sounds more like extortion.

    In the last five years American businesses have kept abroad more than $1 trillion worth of foreign earnings, according to government data. An article by David Kocieniewski in The Times last week noted that Microsoft has $29 billion offshore, Google has $17 billion and Apple has $12 billion.

    The Obama administration should not give in to such corporate coercion. The last time big businesses got such a “tax holiday,” in 2005, companies spent most of the money rewarding their shareholders with stock buybacks and dividends, not in hiring.

  31. Denise - people are going to start dusting off their guillotines if this goes on much longer.

    Extortion is right. If I were president I'd slap a one time "Corporate Deficit Reduction" fine on them of 2 trillion dollars. Half of which could be paid for by repatriated profits, the other half would be raised by selling off US holdings to US companies.

  32. And notice that it is our finest multinationals who are engaging in this. They don't seem to care since they have already shipped so many American jobs around the world.

    Truly frightening, the corporations are now dictating the terms of tax policy to the government. No longer are they trying to hide their intent to pay no taxes. Shamelessly, they flaunt their power.
