
Friday, May 27, 2011

May 28, 2011 Linkfest

Fidel Gheit on Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley Manipulating the Oil Market and WikiLeaks: Saudis often warned U.S. about oil speculators vs. Speculator Ghosts in the Oil Machine

China rare earth metals prices soar

Coal, real interest rates and FX

FT: China faces worst drought in 50 years

Goldman warns of significant China slowdown

Small Cap Valuations Getting Extended

Recession Forecasts? Yield Curve Says No Way

Mortgage rates cheap

Corporate profits remain very strong. Hmm, the MMTers might be right... Putting Lipstick on a Pig

The Audacity of Chinese Frauds, Those clever people at China Fire and Security and Bain

Members of Congress Get Abnormally High Returns From Their Stocks

Your Commute Is Killing You

Why the white working class is the most alienated and pessimistic group in American society.


  1. As usual, GREAT stuff, emmy. That article about long commutes, although not surprising, is really good. Will get to the others too.

  2. Emmanuel,

    Thanks for the linkfest. Read FT and Caoline Baum article,"Recession Forecast? Yield Curve Says No Way".

    Here is a bearish view from Zerohedge:

    "Capital Context Update: Market Observations Offer a Bearish Bias".

    "Fixed income players are getting the post QE2 joke ahead of stocks".


  3. ICan,

    A bearish view from ZH? Surely, you joke.

  4. Emmy,

    Great linkfest, I hope to have some time in the airports with connection to read them.

  5. And thanks to whomever posted the new quote of the day, very apropos as we just came from the Picasso Museum this afternoon. This museum covers his early life in Barcelona and Paris and has paintings that I had never seen before.

    Picasso Museum Highlights

  6. I especially liked his rendition of "Las Meninas" originally done by Velazquez which we saw in The Prado in Madrid.

    Velazquiz - Las Meninas

    Picasso - Las Meninas

  7. We received a full explanation from our guide about the demonstrations, the violence and what transpired. I will make a comment about it when I have more time.

    As Manny and Thor have said, this discontent is spreading and when there is violence in democratic Spain, it can happen anywhere.

    Off to our last dinner in Barcelona and Spain.

  8. Emmy,

    The same sentiment of discontent and pessimism is also pervasive here, from what we are seeing and reading, it is not just in America.

  9. @dss,

    Your 11:24,

    Yes, that did cross my mind, ha!

    Hope you are enjoying your trip. Thought about Camino de santiago walking trip? To see the real Spain.


  10. Good stuff Denise! Come home to us safely!

    Mutt - my best friend is up in the northeast corner of CA and said it's snowing! Are you guys getting any of that up your way? Such strange weather this year, it's already 92 here!

  11. The entire city of Barcelona cheered at the first goal. We just came back from dinner and the city is alive with people honking horns, cheering, and making merry. Everyone is wearing the colors of BFC. Luckily we are in our hotel, packing, watching the game on tv.

  12. Thks Emmie. re "the Fidel Gheit on Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley Manipulating the Oil Market" article. I think this guy would enjoy discussing such things here at AT ;)

    "The interpretation will be left to the market. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy. They can invent reasons why oil prices go to $130 or $150, but history has shown that these people are able to move markets"


    "All I can tell you is that when the big financial players, whether it is the buy side or the sell side, when Warren Buffet takes a position of Company X, the stock will move up. Whether or not they are influencing the market and manipulation could be a stronger word, but they are influencing the market. They are doing things that could be beneficial to them but harmful to the rest of us."

    These words make sense to me. As for myself, I could not care less about what financial big shots are doing behind closed door, if it did not have an impact on my people's and mine lives.

    Unfortunately, the fact is it HAS. In so many ways, that their business ends up being ours too, whether we want it or not.

  13. This has to stop, and I think the change will come from the people themselves. Politics will have to slow down the speculation eventually, once the threat of an angered population becomes outweighting the power of financial lobbies.

  14. Meanwhile, I'm going out. Visiting a little town, then off to its fine and "shark-free" beach.

    Have fun all.

  15. I-Man,

    Wherever you are, congrats on Messy and Barcelona win.

  16. Can this: "French lawyers plan Libya lawsuit against Sarkozy" be considered a black swan ?
    Anyway, While I didn't really care when the DSK case came out, I'm (not that much) shocked by that one..

  17. Forgot the link..

    "Verges, whose past clients include Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie and Carlos the Jackal, denounced a "French state led by hoodlums and killers.
    "We are going to break the wall of silence," he added."
    . Yeah they are highly polemical lawyers in the French opinion. Nevertheless, weird stuff.

    What I find surprising is not that some at the top may have blood on their hands, whether it's true or not, but rather that it "feels like the dominoes are falling in quite an unexpected way behind closed doors"...

  18. Ok, THAT link at last (duh) : French lawyers plan Libya lawsuit against Sarkozy.

    While this potential "new case" may end up being just an ephemerous anecdote, I'm still surprised not to see mentions of this on WSJ, nor Bloomberg...

  19. Meanwhile, hope you're enjoying your day off! Just noticed this morning that it was Memorial Day.;)

  20. @WS(10:54)

    Yin and Yang.

    Perhaphs Verges should live under Khaddafi rule and see what happens when his freedom of speech is taken away.


  21. Germany to pull plug on nuclear power. And what will replace it ?

    "Germany to pull plug on nuclear power". www.the


  22. Canada's Q1 GDp expands at 3.9%, fastest growth in a year

    Yet BOC is expected to hold interest rates - Chicken. They cann't possibly be increasing int. rates while the U.S. is on hold. Savers be damned.

    Toronto Condo sells for $28 million - a record.

    Paoramic view of city skyline.

    If and when real-estate market crashes in Canada, who should be held responsible? No sir, not the banks, nor the Gov. of Bank of Canada.


  23. Happy Memorial Day, all. Looks like the scene shifts back to Greece, where they bankers and their friends are going to completely strip mine that country before all is said and done, which only delays the inevitable restructuring. I wonder if things will finally get really ugly over there now as it sinks in that all of their national assets are being sold off to bankers to pay their debts, while the middle class sees taxes raised as well in ill-fated attempts to pay the banksters off?

  24. Happy Memorial Day everyone!

  25. Manny - Greece: Birthplace of Democracy . . . Birthplace of . . . . :-)
