
Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday Open Thread - Blogger Sucks Addition


  1. Sheesh! That was quiet an outage. Wolfie, sheesh.

  2. Nice little route today too! Go oil go!

  3. Three yes three peanuts in one shellMay 13, 2011 at 1:21 PM

    So here I am eating peanuts, I am cracking open the shells and eating them - Not that peanuts are actually nuts - YOU GUYS are nuts....Peanuts are actually legumes.

    Anyway, every morning for the past, say month or so I have had peanuts at about this time of day. I open up the shells and get peanut dandruff all over the place.

    There are usually either one or two nuts per shell -Well today, I opened a shell and there were THREE!!!!! YES 3 peanuts in there.

    I just wanted to share the exciting news with you all.

    Oh and by the way, BLOGGER SUCKS

    Mangy Mutt

  4. Maybe it's a sign of some sort? That the OBL top holds? LOL.

  5. Taibbi weighs in on Newt and the GOP:

    Watch the video clip too. Had me rolling.

  6. EXCELLENT article from Andy Xie, highly recommend it.

    Chimerica’s slippery slope to stagflation

    A decline for the U.S. property market is accelerating. It could fall another 20% over the next 12 months.

    China’s economy could slow substantially in the second half due to liquidity constraints for the property industry and local-government financing.

    These factors contributing to a double-dip scare may push the U.S. Federal Reserve to launch another round of stimulus, although it may not be called QE 3. At the same time, the scare may cause oil prices to dip, easing inflation concerns.

  7. Leaving in a bit for my 100 mile ride tomorrow. Wish me luck everyuone! Here's the ride I'm doing. "Ridin' dirty"!

    Weather doesn't look so hot, barely high of 50, cloudy with 40% chance of rain. I'll be sweating quite a bit so don't mind the cooler temps (in some ways they're better for this), but don't want big time rain. That would really suck on many levels.

  8. Of course they'll be more QE from the Fed, but they simply won't call it that. It will be stealth QE under a different name. This could well go on for many, many years.

  9. Anyone read this one yet? Hello Eric Holder? Holder? Holder?

  10. ROFL. Sheesh Thor, Blogger sucks even more now.:p

  11. @Thor: I think your article from yesterday was just restored a few minutes ago.

    Wonder if comments are going back though.
