We seem to be nearing another inflection point in the market
U.S. Stocks Near ‘Significant’ Top, Tom DeMark Says
Jan. 18 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. stocks are within a week of “a significant market top” that is likely to precede a drop of at least 11 percent in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, said Tom DeMark, creator of a set of market-timing indicators.
DeMark’s Sequential and Combo indicators, designed to identify market tops and bottoms, are giving a sell signal on the main U.S. stock benchmark for the first time since mid-2007, he said in a telephone interview. The S&P 500 began its 57 percent plunge from a record in October 2007.
“I’m pretty confident that in one to two weeks, the market will be in a descent,” said DeMark, founder and chief executive officer of Market Studies LLC. “It could be pretty sharp.”
or are we?
“In summary, just as at the April high, there are currently no indications a major top is forming. As to the extent of any short-term pullback, investors should monitor measures of short-term Supply for signs of a sharp increase. Also, the April top was quickly followed by a pair of 90% Downside Days. Similar intense selling after any near term market high would again suggest a deeper correction is possible, potentially the 5% – 7% range rather than a milder 3% – 5%. However, the probabilities argue strongly against anything approaching the April – August decline.”
The experts seem to disagree! Which one is it? Are we about to turn? Up or Down?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteShanghai Composite being sold again today. Closed -2.89% at 2678.
ReplyDeleteMy POV: Broke 2700 support. Next stop 2600, then if it doesn't hold we go to 2400.
ReplyDeleteI was watching Bloomie when they had TD on the phone. To be sure, I don't understand the TD counts because everytime someone does them, it seems what was a count in an analysis done before is not a count in this analysis, so the counts always seem to come out right. I am not good enough to look at the price action and count correctly, but TD may be.
So I'll just trade the tape. Right now, I'm basically stopped out of the longs except for NBR which I just entered, and have shorted X because of the lower highs. I'm considering shorting NVDA soon, as well, depending on it's M or W action (lower highs, or higher lows).
EBAY and DOW are increasing in volume and upward price pressure. I think EBAY reports today or did report, and DOW is Feb 3. (BTW, the "upward" pressure, because the price is down, is down less than the S&P, so "it looks like up to me".
Gold, Silver, and Oil down sharply.
ReplyDeleteIs this the bear market we have been expecting, except it is in gold and silver?
ReplyDeleteWeird movements today, 10 y and TLT down, gold down, oil down, Euro down, S&P's down. Either someone is expecting a rally in the stocks today or there is profit taking/liquidation.
ReplyDeleteBeach ball coming again?
ReplyDeleteThe gold bugs over at ZH can't be happy.
ReplyDeleteBeach ball. This sucker just won't go down.
ReplyDeleteGood calls by Cobra again.
ReplyDeleteMorgan Stanly reporting BTE, helps other banks
China inflation worries takes market down. www.marketwatch.com
Still going after the illegal mob, I see, but not the legal one right under their noses....
Yet another Onion-worthy article:
And yet, college education costs continue to skyrocket. Diminishing returns anyone?
ReplyDeleteSLV getting smoked. Down 4.05%.
ReplyDeleteScrewflation in Canada
ReplyDeleteCanadian wholesale sales rise more than expectd in November. Machinery and equipment sector - theglobeandmail.com
Loonie under par.
Corn is down again.
ReplyDeleteI saw the mass mob arrest, too bad they tagged the wrong guys.
"Copper shortages to be worst since 2004 amind economic recovery Kamoo says". http://noir.bloomberg.com/news/regions/india.html
ReplyDeleteHidenori Kamoo - GM of Pan Pacific Copper Co. - Japan's top producer.
ReplyDeleteWe need a small copper pan for our roof and the roofer was apologizing over the price.
ReplyDeleteReal conundrum for Canadians. We export both to China and the U.S. and the BOC has to keep an eye on both of those markets.
One soooooooooo HOT and the other soooooooooo COLD. BOC Gov is ex-Golmand Sachs employee...what can one expect.... SCREWFLATION! Print baby print.
Not a word at ZH about gold's collapse. I bet Lou Mish is freaking out with most of his portfolio in gold.
ReplyDeleteThe Gold bugs have to create a new meme. If inflation is so terrible, why the collapse in Gold?
ReplyDeleteIf people bought Gold because the world was coming to an end and there would be a Gold ATM on every street, is the world not coming to an end?
Great diversion for Eric Bag-Holder to heap on the masses though. Always great theater to arrest the illegal mob and good for one's career and fortune, as Giuliani discovered.
ReplyDeleteShouldn't gold be breaking out to new highs if inflation is such a threat?
ReplyDeletePoor Lou Mish. Expect more lashing out at his favorite target when things are going badly for him personally.
ReplyDeleteWhere is your group think cap? You know, we never criticize the left. We are one mind here, stick with the program.
Holder has been conspicuous with his lack of interest in prosecuting the entire financial meltdown, some of the methods employed were legal, but the fraud at all levels has proven to be rampant.
Now he will blame the union pensions for dumping his precious gold.
ReplyDeleteMornin' folks!
ReplyDeleteBigger volume in the first 30 minutes than yesterday indicates that we might have another down day. We'll see if the market can recover by this afternoon.
ReplyDeleteApocalypse When? -macro man blog.
ReplyDeleteTMM is calling Ems to underperform Developed markets in 2011.
Food inflation in Ems is sticking around this time vs. 2008.
Oh yeah, I forgot, Denise! I'd better get back in line here.
ReplyDeleteNevermind that I've been one of the O-man's biggest critics...
Pretty good support from last week at this area, let's see if it can bounce from here.
ReplyDeleteIf we continue to slide through this support we are going down to the 1260.00 level ES.
Yup, many of us have been vocal critics of his policies, and others, not to mention other Democratic leaders.
ReplyDeleteThe entire health care debacle was hugely criticized here, not to mention the day to day bashing about the handling of the bailouts and QE.
But, hey, it doesn't fit with the script so make sure you know your lines!
I think we can say that we are equal opportunity bashers, even if some of us are left leaning.
ReplyDeleteNot to mention criticizing the continuation of the war in Afghanistan despite Obama's promise to end it.
Put your pinko commie hat back on, Manny!
I know I have my pinko commie socialist Nazi apron around here somewhere.
ReplyDeleteRE: Worden:
Step up to the Platinum Suite and add these additional TeleChart features:
Add Online Streaming real-time charts in TeleChart 2007, filtered with AccuTick® technology
I didn't see any realtime chart support in the "Gold", and the Platinum is $900 per year.
so depending on your trading enthusiasm, Worden's realtime may be a little pricey, if you've got realtime support from your broker's toolkit.
ReplyDeleteI only use the Gold as I have intra day charts for everything else with Sierra with all the bells and whistles but no sorting. Platinum service is too expensive, absolutely.
I use Telechart for daily analysis only, as I have no need to scan or sort intraday movements, but it does have the ability to update intra day as many times as you want so that I can sort on what has happened so far today but on a daily chart - if that makes sense.
So if I wanted to sort all of the SP-500 (or any index, my own portfolio or watch lists) and see which stock was most down (or up) from the open with "x" volume while crossing it's 50 ema, I could do that.
Or who made a new 20 (50 or 200 or any span of my chosing) day low with "x" volume I could do that. The choices and combinations are limited only by your imagination.
I use IB as my trading broker (Schwab for investing) and they offer basic charts, limited sorting, tabbed quote board, etc., but I have seen no other program that works as well as Telechart for the actual drilling down and selecting stocks or ETF's using my own criteria. And remember, I fall into the most technically challenged class of trader.
ReplyDeleteSilver's taking a bigger bashing than gold this morning.
ReplyDeleteFor an example of how I use Telechart, I manage 16 different accounts for various family members, different size accounts, different risk profiles.
ReplyDeleteI need to know what vehicle will work for each account. And because I only invest (true investing not trading) at specific times of the year, I will do a scan that creates a list of ETF's or stocks that has shown the best RS, whether it is from the last rally (date sort function) or who went down the least during the decline.
And then I chose the best ones from these lists. And it takes me just a few minutes of work to do so. I would be totally lost without this program.
The media are saying inflation in Ems will slow them down. Riots etc. But what I am reading, the authorities are pushing "muddle throw". Growth sells - that's how politicians get elected or stay in power. Every time there is a food inflation scare- the solution India deploys is subsidies. We'll see how that goes.
This could be interesting. . .
Analysts said on Wednesday that having Greece buy back its own devalued bonds could be an important step toward solving Europe’s sovereign debt crisis.
“It’s the first time we’ve got an indication Europe is starting to think outside of the box,” said Jacques Cailloux, chief European economist at Royal Bank of Scotland. “Ultimately, it’s the return to some kind of stable debt path that will provide the biggest turnaround in confidence,” he said.
I also use it for swing trading as I can easily scan for certain criteria. I use the data sort function to pick out the best/worst performing stocks in each index, for any time frame, as those that are approaching/crossing any ma, have "x" amount of volume or what ever.
ReplyDeleteAs Krugman's article pointed out, Greece and Ireland cannot devalue their currency like Iceland did so they have to do something creative.
Denise - yup, but not before the big banks have time to move their money somewhere safer right? ;-)
ReplyDelete@Mannwich, re 10:10: yeah, you gotta look out for those weird first-year engineering students that want to listen to the lecture and learn something. They're truly the dangerous ones.
ReplyDeleteI never will forget the time I was called to the principal's office because my worthless son was caught hiding in a bathroom stall eating his pizza lunch. She asked me "what does he think he's doing? That's unsanitary and unacceptable behavior". That's one time I just had to answer a question with a question, and I said: "What do you think you're doing creating an environment where my son has to hide to eat his lunch? That's unacceptable administration".
Of course, like "brandishing a knife", my comment was the wrong thing to say, because after that, my worthless son became a target of administrators. It was an uncomfortable 2 years for him. Now, this poor kid who just wants to learn will be a target. I feel sorry for him.
@ICan 10:33: FCX reported their future sales will be down because of China market softening. I would think that would do wonders for the price of Cu. It did wonders for FCX stock price, for sure.
US Plans Crackdown on employers of illegal workersThe Obama administration plans to intensify a crackdown on employers of illegal immigrants with the establishment of an audit office designed to bolster verification of company hiring records.
ReplyDeleteIn an interview, John Morton, chief of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, a unit of the Department of Homeland Security, said the Employment Compliance Inspection Center would “address a need to conduct audits even of the largest employers with a very large number of employees.”
Here is the biggest difference between the Bush and Obama administration regarding illegal hiring of illegal aliens:
"Enforcement activity during the Bush administration focused on high-profile raids in which thousands of illegal immigrants were arrested and placed in deportation proceedings. Relatively few companies and their executives were prosecuted. "
Bush let the businesses and executives break the law and get off scott free, while arresting the aliens.
The root of the problem is the businesses, illegals wouldn't come here if they couldn't find a company who wanted to hire cheap labor and break the law.
This hiring of illegals also drives down the wages of legal Americans and gives their jobs to those here illegally.
Denise - it's about time! Now let's watch the business community scream bloody murder. How dare this Socialist President get in the way of their cheap illegal labor!!
ReplyDeleteBeach ball.
ReplyDelete@Rock: Dangerous to whom? I think we need MORE of those "dangerous" types who want to really learn something so that they can think critically in life and not always "go with the flow". But alas, real "learning" and "hard work" seems to be for chumps these days. Or least that seems to be the perception by many. I remember when I was in college I was aghast by how much cheating went on and how little studying got done by so many kids who would somehow scrape by. I studied my ass off.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for Boehner to denounce this move as "job killing", for executives that is!
Manny - it's even worse now. I'm really glad I went back to college to finish my degree, I always regretted it and would still had I not finished. However, having gone back, after working for over a decade, I can safely say it was an absolute waste of time. There are ZERO skills they're teaching in the state colleges here in CA that are of any use whatsoever to most companies. This whole idea of two full years of continued general education is a joke. I think the vast majority of kids would be better served in trade schools once they leave high school.
ReplyDeleteThe most tragic part of the whole thing, is that a college degree is an absolute prerequisite to getting hired by most companies today.
Agreed Thor. I went back to a state school for my Master's and the hardest party (by far) of the whole experience was dealing with mindless and incompetent bureacracy while trying to transfer a few credits from another school and other what should have been routine tasks. So much paperwork lost or misplaced and idiotic processes to get things approved. It was by far the hardest part. Go figure. Maybe that was the point - to prepare me for corporate life where that shit is constantly the hardest part about it, unless one is in a truly technical field that requires specific skills, of course.
ReplyDeletepart, not party (Freudian slip?).
ReplyDeleteMy daughter is experiencing this right now. She has done extremely well her first semester but is appalled at the 24/7 partying and study habits of her dorm. She can't escape it so she is trying to move to an honors dorm where the students are serious and the parties are few. Drugs and alcohol flow freely all over campus!
I gave her the option of her college bank account or college and she chose the school over the money.
ReplyDeleteThe market has bounced off the intra day support levels of 1268.00 ES so we will have to see if the rally continues this afternoon.
ReplyDeleteRock - I am curious on why or how the school had nothing better to do then call you in from work to tell you your son was eating pizza in the bathroom.
ReplyDeleteFirst, how on earth did they know, second why on earth did someone care, (I am sure your son knew excatly where his hands had been) 3rd Why on earth did someone care enuff to tell the principle 4th The principle seriously had NOTHING better to do then call you in.
You would think the he put dri-ice in the toliet.
Too, bad for him, maybe next time he should leave the bathroom with a snickers bar in hand...
30y, 10y, TLT etc, down on inflation fears.
ReplyDeleteMunis are holding up quite well despite dooms day scenarios.
Denise - Your daughter chose well! Sadly, we still require a college education for everything anymore.
ReplyDeletePlus I'm sure not all colleges are as bad as the one I went back to to finish my BA
Not surprised at the partying though, that's pretty common.
ReplyDeleteThe partying was not a surprise, the partying 24/7 is a surprise. When they are not partying they are sleeping. Not a lot of going to classes or studying. One of her roommates didn't return... And she is no prude as when she was in Canada or Europe she was free to drink and did so.
She did take a gap year so she is older and definitely more mature than many of her freshman class, but she is really disgusted at the party scene because she has to leave her room just to be able to study.
ReplyDeleteShe is hoping that the 2nd semester will be better.
ReplyDeleteTLT cracking.
ReplyDeleteHousing inventory ROSE y-o-y by 8% in December. Not a good omen for a housing recovery this spring, or even a pause in further price declines.
Mannwich said...
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, I forgot, Denise! I'd better get back in line here.
Nevermind that I've been one of the O-man's biggest critics...
January 20, 2011 10:56 AM
That's humorous. Criticizing a Democratic President because he isn't left wing enough doesn't make you more centrist.
@Anon: I never labeled myself a "centrist" or anything for that matter. If you need nice, neat labels, go ahead. I prefer to label MYSELF a critically thinking person. So bring the mindless snark. It's all you know how to do.
ReplyDeleteThey just can't stay away. A bit like stalking. It's more than a little creepy if you ask me.
ReplyDeleteNow go back over to the Armageddon blog and bitch about me. Have fun losing money.
ReplyDeleteThe nattering nabobs of nihilism
ReplyDeleteAnd, the campaign has officially begun. Seems like the man was just elected. Is it me, or is this country in one perpetual election campaign? If you ask me, that's part of the problem.
@stalker Andy,
ReplyDeleteAs you well know the point was that we are equal opportunity criticizers, not that we are trying to be centrist.
But that doesn't fit into your paranoid delusional fantasy so you have to resort to making stuff up.
Now go on back to Disaster Capital Doomsday Day-R-Us blog and brag how you scored a point.
Does that make you feel better, little man?
Hey look - our stalker is back! Hey Stalker! How's Texas? Or is it Maryland? Haven't checked Analytics to see which one you are yet.
ReplyDeleteThor said...
ReplyDeleteThat would be Texas - Hey there Andy - how are you? You keep this up and I'm going to start cutting and pasting your anon comments along with the analytics that show it's you on your other blog. Nothing like being exposed as a stalker to all your buddies eh?
ReplyDeleteThe attacks on this blog and theirs increase in direct proportion to the deflation of their bank accounts and self esteem.
We must be doing something right because the opposite of love isn't stalking, it's indifference!
When they leave us alone then we know we must be losing our edge.
And really - who gives a shit if we're liberals? If you don't like it tough. I'd much rather be a bleeding heart liberal than a neo fascist right wing nut job.
ReplyDeleteExactly Denise. Very Lou Mish-esque in terms of the predictability on that front. Sucks waiting for Godot, or the "P3" (so you can cash in short and exclaim, and revel in, just how much smarter you are than the little people who got it "wrong") that never came your whole life while everyone else is out enjoying theirs. What a waste of time.
ReplyDeleteI second that. You forgot to add "mouth breathing, knuckle dragging, lips move when I read", neo fascist right wing nut job.
Labels, Schmabels, Thor. For me, the dirty word shouldn't necessarily be "liberal", but "conservative" since it are the policies on the right side of the spectrum that largely got us to this point.
ReplyDeleteIt wouldn't be right to post his town(s), but you can certainly post page views and time spent on this blog.
Again, we must be doing something fabulous here as they just can't stay away.
Denise - At this point I'm not really concerned with what's right or not - it's not right to stalk a group of people who have made it clear on more than one occasion that you are not welcome but that doesn't seem to stop it. If playing hard ball with Analytics is what we need to do to make it stop then I will.
ReplyDeleteI saw a Bloomie seg on your 1:35 comment. First, December and January, until the SuperBowl, is the worst time to try to sell a house (that's from my friend an Alain Pinel realtor). Plus Bloomie said that the new housing starts are way below where they should be based on new household information. So there's pent-up demand. At some point in time, that demand's gonna surface, then look out for the snapper in prices.
administration is a necessary function, and administrators need to be stroked in a positive way every once in awhile. I let my ego get in the way, and stroked the fur backwards. A metaphor I think you understand well.
The point is, administrators and teachers must not permit environments to exist which are detrimental to their being successful in their jobs. The problem is that administrators and teachers are not compensated proportionate to their success in their jobs. In California, there is something called "the Star Test", which is a uniform state-wide examination given to all public school students. Administrators and teachers are not paid more if their students do well on the Star Test, nor are they docked if their students don't do well.
And of course, the ugly issue of "Tenure" raises it's serpentine head.
Keep in mind, I'm OK with ANYONE who wants to post here with the intent of having a thoughtful (even if heated) discussion or debate. We don't have to agree but their intent is pretty obvious at this point. Then again, we've gone over this differentiation ad nauseum at this point so it should be pretty clear, I would think, no?
ReplyDeleteAndy always gets his panties in a bunch when you start pointing out the thirty years of failed policies of conservatism, Libertarianism, free markets, tax cuts for the rich, Greenspan, deregulation and corporatism.
Like most Republicans who now claim to be Libertarians, they know the failures can be place squarely on the Republicans so now they pretend to be "Libertarians", you know, it was those other conservative other guys who caused this not we Libertarian.
@Rock: I hope you're right, as someone who bought in '05 and is aghast at his home values (in the face of constant expenses for upkeep) right now. Nothing sells here in Minny in the winter (for obvious reasons) but this winter has been even worse than most, I think. Spring selling season will really tell the story and maybe things will bounce back here. The economy only grew here by a little over 1% though this past quarter, I believe. Not exactly robust but not falling apart anymore either.
ReplyDeleteAnd I wonder if the Feds pulled so much demand forward with their tax credits that there will be a dearth of buyers come springtime?
ReplyDeleteManny - yup yup, I think that goes without saying. The stalking by our old buddy in Texas needs to stop though. I'm also looking into ways to just ban the IP address itself - I can match up comments with the city in which they were written in, but am having a more difficult time figuring out how to ban particular IP addies outright.
ReplyDeleteShould have thought of this sooner :-/
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking to start a little position in F. It's pulled back some, and has a higher low. I think I remember you're watching that one.
Most of my positions were stopped out, so I need to find W's with higher lows, and F may be forming one now.
Bingo, Denise. It wasn't me, I'm a "Libertarian"!! If we only had "REAL market capitalism", then none of these problems would have happened! It would be a utopian paradise of "self-correcting markets". Never mind that's never really been tried in the past 100+ years and when it was, it was an absolute disaster for MOST people. The winners made out just fine though and that's all who the Randian types care about in their world. If you lose, tough shit for you. Suck it up and get a job, loser.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, the skulls of Libertarians are pretty thick.
It is obvious to anyone that the only intent is to come here (like a spoiled child who didn't get his way) stir shit up, make up ridiculous accusations, and then run back to the other blog and proudly run a victory lap while the others give him a high five.
Such juvenile behavior is known as sport, down there in Texas.
Denise - The far right conservatives who now claim to be libertarians are such a joke. As if their true political leaning wasn't obvious from the start. If we're going to talk about being trendy (Apple thread the other day at TBP) let's talk about Libertarianism. :-)
ReplyDelete@Rock: Yeah, I was thinking about backing up the truck a little on F too, as I already rent that one. Small rental though.
ReplyDeleteAnd for anyone worrying about the power of Google Analytics, ALL I can see is the city in which a comment was written in - nothing more. There's no other identifiable information provided.
ReplyDeleteManny - SO wish I'd hung on to my damn F :-(
ReplyDeleteCharlie Rose is interviewing Henry Kissinger your tonight at 8PM. I don't know whose 8PM that is, exactly, but not mine.
ReplyDeleteI will watch that interview. I think Henry is one of the greatest thinkers of our time; maybe our Ben Franklin.
You can also get Bloomie at www.bloomberg.com/tv/
if you can stand the dropouts.
I remember when my dad got a color TV, he was really pissed at seeing occasional snow on the screen. Now, we watch MPEG4 with freezing and dropout of whole phrases without complaint. We've come a long way, baby.
Hah yes, isn't technology wonderful?
ReplyDelete@Thor: I feel the same about AAPL. I don't like to think about it. At all.
ReplyDeleteWatching TLT with keen interest. Will it breach the 90 mark? Was a buy there before. More than once.
ReplyDelete5 houses surprisingly just sold in quick order in my town within a few blocks of me, one only two doors down.
The one closest to me will be torn down as it went for lot value, had been on the market for almost three years and finally was bought by a builder.
Another one went for a huge price considering it was an estate sale, with a house that is solid but needs total updating, new windows and mechanicals. Sold before processing.
A relatively new home sold in two weeks, but it was sold for a huge price almost full asking, has a huge lot, and is in a perfect location.
Two smaller homes sold immediately, one before processing, the other in just a few days. The houses were not bargains but went for a fair price.
What was shocking is that they all sold within days of each other with "Sold" signs going up almost simultaneously.
And our inventory of unsold homes has decreased by 30% in the past calendar year.
We don't know what to make of it, but it appears that something is changing.
ReplyDeleteTLT has a giant descending triangle which generally resolves itself to the downside.
Speaking of technology, Gamification may be our next bubble. There's a SF symposium on it now.
ReplyDeleteTurn your product into a game.
Ford has an app that runs on their car computer where you can compete with other Fords on energy consumption.
IRS is thinking about redesigning their on-line forms to be game-like. This I gotta see.
Gaming for recycling and Green:
I think this one has potential.
Like Thor's product; right now you compete against yourself, but if you could game someone who's also trying to lose weight/gain muscle mass, I mean, the program would certainly be more fun.
The woman who fell into the fountain is talking about suing the mall as no one came to her aid.
ReplyDeleteI am going to post it on top of Thor's post.
ReplyDeleteNot the best looking chart but you can clearly see the triangle. Might move down to 87.
ReplyDelete@Denise: Are you serious? She's probably suing out of embarrassment more than anything. That's just utterly absurd. SHE should be sued by humanity for her idiocy.
ReplyDelete@Rock: I'm with you on 100% on that concept. I think it has legs, at least in the short term as a fad.
ReplyDeleteMy guess is that some lawyer found her and told her she could get something for being a space cadet.
ReplyDeleteFood inflation finally hitting the U.S? Why do I get the sense that we're much closer to '07/'08 than '04/'05? Or am I wrong?
No continuation of the decline so far this afternoon, making new highs on the day.
ReplyDeleteGet ready to short WFMI
ReplyDeleteGet healthy and don't pay a premium!
Once we can eat healthy from fast food shops and normal and discount supermarkets without paying a huge premium, I think places like Draegers and Whole Foods are in trouble.
The supermarkets here are completely unhealthy. You can't find potato bread so gluten-free is impossible. There are none of the western low-fat prepared condiments, like salad dressings. Low-fat milk gets 1/4 the shelf space of regular milk and is often sold out.
And why do I get the sense that in the end Benny's going to lose control of things via increasing commodities?
ReplyDeleteSaw that one too, Rock, and took note. Wal Mart now going after the Whole Foods crowd, but the problem is part of the reason some of the Whole Foods crowd shops there is because it's "cool" to do so. Wal Mart's the furthest thing from cool, altough money (and low prices) could make them sort of "cool" in other ways.
ReplyDeleteThe last time gas reached 4+ here in Minny, it was game over for the economy. Granted, there were other considerations at the time, but will history repeat itself?
ReplyDeleteIt's at 3.19 and climbing now. Quickly.
ReplyDelete$3.26 here.
ReplyDeleteRock - That is indeed a metaphor I understand and whether it be good or bad have a habit of doing it to people in position of authority.
ReplyDeleteYes Admin has an important (Albeit - not vital) funcion, but when they stop serving the greater good and start pandering to the concepts and ideas of special interests, the quickly out grow that importance.
Anyway, I understand your point.
Personally, I think having a stalker is a rather good indication of the importance of our blog.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who continues to come here obviously finds value in what we have to say, they may not understand exactly what an argument or disagreement is, so they continue to shove their square peg in a round hole, but if they are able to learn from what have to offer, I am all for it.
We choose on our own volition to start what we felt comfortable with and in so doing rejected the idea of having one person dictate the flow and tempo of posts, now we got A LOT of crap from those who choose to anchor their boat to that concept.
Even though we were ridiculed we still decided the best course of action was to have a “community” blog together, where anyone and anyone (As long as they are respectful) can post, make comments, heck they can even become admins.
And almost a year later, here we are going strong. We have people who are learning to not just becoming better traders (I still SUCH though) but share their lives in order to help others learn about life in general.
Now what I find quite humorous is those who choose to anchor their boat to a single blog author and are not allowed to post without having the authors name in front of their own, no longer have a single blog author, they in fact have turned into what they loathed only a year ago….Such is life.
But what REALLY humors me, is they STILL can not make a post without having the “absent” blog’s author in front of theirs – There by giving credit to the one who decided to cut anchor.
But hey what do I know, I am just a Mangy Ass Mutt and a committee blog is a DUMB idea and will never work!
Will it?
Mangy Mutt
Mutt - I didn't understand most of what you just said - but YAY! ;-)
ReplyDeleteFrom a real estate blog I read - These are our "leaders".
ReplyDelete2011.01_nbcbathroom.jpgNow that Comcast has bought NBC Universal, NBC's television chairman Jeff Gaspin is out at the network, which is not news we would normally know nor care about. However, the impetus, according to TheWrap, is pretty interesting: "When Gaspin was promoted to run NBC in July 2009, he decided he didn’t want to share a bathroom with the other executives on the 11th floor of the Wasserman building, according to a knowledgeable insider." So he kicked a couple of finance execs out of their offices and used the space to build a $200,000 private bathroom, with a shower "large enough to house a small family." There were layoffs going on at the time, and apparently Gaspin did feel a little shame--"He instructed workers to do construction at night." The bathroom wasn't the reason Gaspin's gone, but it got the ball rolling, supposedly. You know what this means, NBC television employees: camera phones at the ready!
We have a couple of senior execs here like this - the company exists (to them it seems) for no other reason than their own personal enrichment.
@Thor: Those execs are everywhere now too. The real "entitlement class" of this country. They set the tone for everyone else too.
ReplyDelete@Mutt: LOL. That's right. Seems to be "working" just fine as far as I can tell but what do I know? I'm not as "credentialed" as some.
ReplyDeleteManny - no shit! I think the exact same thing when one of our senior execs puts in a request for us to purchase some ludicrous piece of technology they say is work related. Actually, they don't often even bother with that.
ReplyDeleteI'm a hell of a lot less worried about the recovering crack head and her three kids with their 1K a month welfare payments than I am with so many of our "leaders" using the companies they work for as a personal ATM.
Bingo Thor. I used to be privvy to this behavior (and confidential employee information) all the time in my former life in Corporate America and banking. It often wasn't pretty. On that front, one cannot be cynical enough. The problem is they're all just measuring themselves against each so once one pulls something, the others follow just to "keep up". A "race to the top" (or bottom), depending on one's perspective.
ReplyDeleteWhen the elites steal, they somehow "earned" it and "deserve" it and are to be continually revered for it. Just ask Mish When the poor or even non-elite do it, even on a minor scale, it's a felony and we must put them away.
ReplyDeleteLargest food fraud in U.S. history.
ReplyDelete"Honey Laurndering: The sour side of natur's golden sweetner". http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/technology/science/
4 page story.
Honey is lucrative contraband.
A staple in North American diet, from breads, breakfast cereals, cookies, sauces to cough drops.
Most honey is imported from China(U.S. imported 26,819 tonnes last year from China).
Beekeepers there feed antibiotics, mix sugar, and add corn-bases syrups to fake the taste.
None of the jars say "Made in China", instead "Indonesia, Malaysia or Taiwan" is written.
All most all grcery stores have in large aisle full of Asian food, from the lower-end to up-scale. Who is policing(monitoring) imported foods? And given the scale of imports, is it even possible?
"That's humorous. Criticizing a Democratic President because he isn't left wing enough doesn't make you more centrist."
So, that single, "mildly" snarky comment (17 words long), elicited 25 different and various comments in rebuttal from DSS/Thor/Mannwich + 1 from Mangy Mutt?
What's that? 20% of your comments today?
C'mon people. There must be something else better to talk about then that silly 17 word comment which was probably only a 1 out of 10 on the "Malicious Meter."
There are interesting things going on in these markets. Stay focused on the task at hand.
FWIW, I peruse several blogs (etc) normally around the lunch hour and then in the evening. I come here to see what Dastro and Rock have to write about certain stocks and market views. I also like to read the comments of DSS/Thor/Mannwich because, quite frankly, they can be quite humorous to me.
Keep up the good work Dan and Rock.
And, also, I hope everyone has a really good night of sleep and does really well in the markets tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteSee? I said a nice thing. No need to delete this message. :-)
Hello there Katy Texas - Andy, seriously, give us a break will you? Please? I'm asking you nicely. No one here cares about anything you have to say or whatever chip you have on your shoulder. Do you understand that? Has it not occurred to you, that not even once, when you've come around to bother us, has anyone ever taken your side or been sympathetic to what you have to say?
ReplyDeleteWe never come over to your playground and bother you, none of us do. Why do you keep coming here? What's the purpose?
Again, I'm going to ask you nicely, one last time to leave us in peace. If you do not agree to this, I will block you from this site.
So what's it going to be? Do you want to be a man? or do you want to be a little girl?
the 25 comments should be evidence to you that your continued stalking is not welcome. Jesus are you seriously that stupid? You come here ALL the time and you never have anything pleasant to say. And now you're trying to suck up to Dastro and Rock? My god, you are so sad! You're not even man enough to comment with your own name even though everyone knows who you are. What do you think that says about you little man?
ReplyDeleteIt isn't about one comment, it is about all of your comments.
Plainly and simply: You come here to stalk us, to ridicule our people here on our site and behind our backs on the other blog for the express purpose of trying to make us look bad and to get some cheap applause from the peanut gallery.
Thank you for admitting that you come here to laugh at us, not with us.
And after months and months and months of this stalking behavior you have the balls to say that it us us that have nothing better to do with our time? Really, Andy?
Everyone has your number, people used to have so much respect for you (despite the wacko Libertarian politics) and you have managed to turn yourself into a cheesy, creepy, mean spirited stalker. And your market forecasts suck, too. What happened to you?
I agree with Thor, your sucking up to Dan and Rock is so unseemly as well as transparent.
I am going to say this one last time - everyone is welcome here to read and comment but you must be respectful to all of our people, and our blog.
ReplyDeleteSimply put, Anon - When You say "C'mon people. There must be something else better to talk about then that silly 17 word comment"
ReplyDeleteYou are 100% correct - Nothing you said was worth commenting on. However some of the comments after that were. Therefore I commented on those.
I am sorry that you were confused to the point you thought I was commenting to you, but I can understand your confusion.
And I can understand why you (Or anyone else) would want to read the words of Rock and Dan as they are very insightful, but if you were to look past your misplaced bias you would find, so are the words of the other regulars who blog here, their support and knowledge is very useful.
Not to worry though, unless you specifically addressed me, I won't be commenting any more on your self proclaimed "Worthless Posts" And I do believe the others can find it within themselves to stop waisting their time on doing it too.
Mangy Mutt
Thanks, Mutt!