
Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Singularity Has Happened

The Singularity has happened; we call it "the industrial revolution" or "the long nineteenth century". It was over by the close of 1918.

Exponential yet basically unpredictable growth of technology, rendering long-term extrapolation impossible (even when attempted by geniuses)? Check.

Massive, profoundly dis-orienting transformation in the life of humanity, extending to our ecology, mentality and social organization? Check.

Annihilation of the age-old constraints of space and time? Check.

Embrace of the fusion of humanity and machines? Check.

Creation of vast, inhuman distributed systems of information-processing, communication and control, "the coldest of all cold monsters"? Check; we call them "the self-regulating market system" and "modern bureaucracies" (public or private), and they treat men and women, even those whose minds and bodies instantiate them, like straw dogs.

An implacable drive on the part of those networks to expand, to entrain more and more of the world within their own sphere? Check. ("Drive" is the best I can do; words like "agenda" or "purpose" are too anthropomorphic, and fail to acknowledge the radical novelty and strangeness of these assemblages, which are not even intelligent, as we experience intelligence, yet ceaselessly calculating.)

Why, then, since the Singularity is so plainly, even intrusively, visible in our past, does science fiction persist in placing a pale mirage of it in our future? Perhaps: the owl of Minerva flies at dusk; and we are in the late afternoon, fitfully dreaming of the half-glimpsed events of the day, waiting for the stars to come out.


  1. @Emmy,

    Beautiful! Like a Rumi poem!

    Thank you for shraring.


  2. But humans like diversity, it makes us crative, and allive. Or else life will be boring, mundane, and zombie-like. Who likes that?


  3. Just to clarify, this isn't my work, it's something I found.

  4. @emmanuel117:

    It is a work of art. And a work of genius. And even if it is not your work, it is a magnificent post to put to us at this time.

    I have read it 4 times now. I have not read the books in the links and am kind of guessing about them, and will look for Reader's Digest versions, to make sure my guesses are correct.

    I think it nails (or as Mannwich says, on spot) what we are going through now.

    I was going to put up some trading stuff, but it pales to meaningless after your post above. Thanks.

  5. Also, from the heading link:

    "the owl flies at dusk; it is always dusk; we can no longer tell a black thread from a white"

  6. Humans and machines - some humans have become that.

    I was thinking about sharing with you the underlaying change in Indian society.

    Change in the Fabric of society, if you will.

    Later, got to go


  7. Cool post Emmie!

    Will put up picks from our trip to run for tomorrow's open thread.

  8. Thanks, Emmy! Thought provoking post!

  9. As for the travel logs. I've been sending those out to friends for years now. I definitely never expect everyone to read them all, but I figure someone out there might one day want to go to one of these places and so it might be useful, especially a place like Egypt where I know a lot of people might be nervous about going to a place like that.

    I also have always paid close attention to the culture and people as anything else. So so many people travel to places like Egypt and Greece only to see the sights and miss everything else.

    Anyhow, hope someone found them at least a little interesting :-)

  10. Great post, emmy.

    On another note, this is somewhat shocking, even though some of us were worried this kind of thing might flare up. Scary stuff. Kind of what happens when yahoos listen to morons and yahoos on entertainment "news" and take them seriously.

  11. Palin weighs in:

    This country is a powderkeg right now.

  12. Manny - That's some serious shit today isn't it buddy?

    Was talking to a lot of the people on our tour, a couple from Canada, and an Australian girl, plus a few Brits in London. They all said they're worried about what's going on here now, especially the Canadian couple - they know that if we blow up down here, we're taking them with us, no matter how their economy is doing today. Too linked. The Australian lady didn't seem to know much of what was going on and I didn't press her about the real estate market there when she complained that she shouldn't have sold her Condo four years ago.

    I came home last night to a headline on - "Palin: Obama 'hell bent' on weakening America

    Does she really think that Obama wants to weaken America? Why Sara? Why exactly would he want to weaken America? Can you tell us? Is this some sort of Manchurian Candidate thing in your mind? Why is no one asking this stupid viscous bitch to "Man Up" with some of these statements??

    The worst part though, is that people actually BELIEVE the shit that comes out of her mouth. People, shit, some people WE know, actually think this woman gives a flying fuck about this country. As if it wouldn't be patently obvious to anyone with half a brain that the only thing Sara Fucking Palin gives a shit about, is Sara Fucking Palin.

  13. And I love the idiots who try to justify support for her and the Tea Baggers "oh, some of their ideas are valid". Yeah, they are Cleetus, but a whole hell of a lot of people thought some of the idea of the Nazi's were "ok". Hatred, bigotry and intolerance should be slammed down WITHOUT qualification.

  14. @Manny,

    When idiots like Glen Beck foment rage and sedition against Obama and the liberals this is the direct outcome.

    No one talks much about our home grown anti-USA terrorists like McVey who was an avowed Limbaugh listener who hung with the Michigan Militia.

    Or the American Taliban anti-abortion murderers who kill doctors, women, and workers, egged on by right wing idealogues seeking to divide the nation and recreate the Christian Crusades.

    And then there is this from Palin's facebook page:

    During the fall campaign, Sarah Palin, the former Republican vice-presidential candidate, posted a controversial map on her Facebook page depicting spots where Democrats were running for re-election; those Democrats were noted by crosshairs symbols like those seen through the scope of a gun. Ms. Giffords was among those on Ms. Palin’s map.

  15. The actual map is at Manny's link:

    Sarah Pac - It's Time to Take a Stand

    The message is clear, these congress people have real targets on their backs.

  16. And then they will claim that this wasn't their intention. What do they think is going to happen? To think, this scary person could be our president and stoking the worst instincts and actions in people.

  17. And we though Joe McCarthy was bad. Think about that for a minute . . that we have swung so far to the extreme right today that people like McCarthy look take in comparison to people like Palin and Sharon Goebles, I mean Angle.

  18. now let's watch the "lame stream media" with their "liberal bias" skip right over what this really represents.

  19. The internet has gone wild! ZH has more than 650 comments, Twitter is going crazy, this is insane.

  20. @Thor,

    Of course, he will be deemed "crazy" to tie all the ends up nicely.

  21. The comments at ZH tell you all you need to know about anonymous America. It is sickening.

    No need to post the revolting stuff here.

  22. Denise - couldn't agree more.

  23. MikeinSF at BR's says it best .

    MikeInSF Says:
    January 8th, 2011 at 5:58 pm

    I grew up in an area where guns and hunting were part of the culture.

    So did I. And when I place something in the sight of a rifle, my aim is to kill it.

    I’m sure the intent of Palin’s page was not a call to violence. Still, it is in the poorest of taste in any case and sure to incite the crazies amongst us. (“Tiller the baby killer,” anyone? Have we not learned anything?)

    Your implication is that out of the 435 members of house, the shooting of one of the twenty in Sarah’s “sights” is just ironic and couldn’t have been anticipated. Bravo.

  24. Excellent post Emmy,

    Loved the Bertrand Russell piece and the bradford De Long explaining why GM is a successful corporation (1997)and why Apple was going to go bankrupt priceless.

  25. Pakistan Punjab province Governor, Salman Tasser assassinated last week for his liberal views by his own bodygaurd.

    A courageous voice on rights of women and reigious minorities, hardline mullahs accused him of being a pawn of the west and warned he would face a FATWA if he continued his campaign.

    Salman Tasser was defending a Christian women, in jail for blasphemy laws.

    If you google and see his family's pictures, they are like any middle class western family. He was educated in London - a Chartered Accountant.

    Some lawyers and hardliner garlanded the accused afterwards and no one dare come out and criticize the murderer. There were hundreds of comments on the story in the New York Times - some from withing Pakistan.


  26. I love the spin on this, he was just a crazy guy who went nuts. Nothing to see here.

    The press conference was another thing all together. She was targeted for assassination (funny how you don't hear the MSM call a spade a spade, it was an assassination attempt) and he then turned his automatic weapon on the crowd, attempting no doubt to take down as many of her supporters as possible. The sheriff called out the right wing hate machine whose rhetoric no doubt contributed to this guys's hatred of this woman.

    Of course, no mention that this guy may have pre-planned and planted all of the crazy sounding YouTubes so he could hide behind his craziness.

    Funny how he was just not crazy enough to find a Republican whom he could target, just happening to stumble on this poor woman and innocent bystanders.

    In a week all the victims will have been buried, Sarah Palin, Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, and the rest of the right wing hate spewers will be right back on target as if nothing had happened. Look for them to start blaming her, blaming liberals, blaming Obama for her death.

    This country is so fucked up.

  27. From Dave Sirotta:

    If we can't question the effect of violent anti-government political rhetoric after this shooting, when can we?

  28. Of course they won't change, Denise. A conscience would be required for that. These are truly vile, vile people.

  29. Exactly. Time to call out these people and call it like it is. Funny but we don't ever see violence against right wingers or the gop when they hijacked our country and drove it into a ditch but we see it now. Just like the clinton years but worse. Thugs inciting the clueless and delusional to do their bidding. Zero hedge pretty much sums up that crowd.

  30. Denise - We really are aren't we? It's especially depressing because you can see how far apart the two sides really are. How can we ever hope to bring the country back together again, can we?

  31. And in Arizona, it is not illegal to carry a concealed weapon. This story is from April, 2010.

    PHOENIX — Favoring the constitutional right to bear arms over others' concerns about gun safety, Gov. Jan Brewer on Friday signed into law a bill making Arizona the third state allowing people to carry a concealed weapon without requiring a permit.

    The measure takes effect 90 days after the current legislative session ends, which likely puts the effective date in July or August.

    "I believe this legislation not only protects the Second Amendment rights of Arizona citizens, but restores those rights as well," Brewer, a Republican, said in a statement....

    By eliminating the permit requirement, the Arizona legislation will allow people 21 or older to forego background checks and classes that are now required.

  32. Governor Brewer, is just heartbroken about the shooting.

    Yea, gotta protect the rights of the criminally insane gun owners before the rights of citizens.

  33. Interesting to see who the right wing nut jobs are over at TBP too, some of them I'd have suspected, others are a surprise.

  34. Holy shit!

    I didn't get what Denise was talking about at first.
    So carrying guns withouth a permit reinstated in August for everyone 21 and older no background check required so the wild wild west again.

    And of course writing a few pieces that conveniently sound deranged on the web as an alibi.

  35. @Thor,

    I can't imagine the comments at TBP that were deleted, all of the hate is just out there for everyone to see despite the deletions.

    More right wing hate speech begets more right wing hate speech.

    Pretty revealing, actually.

    No cause and effect, none. The guy just picked her and supporters out because he liked the color of her dress, if you follow their logic. Can't blame it on the crazy guy.

  36. Just in, shooter was a liberal! It says so it the New York times, so it must be true!

    Don't all liberals carry automatic weapons? I know I do.

  37. Crazy shit eh Denise, Some of those comments are pretty out there. Some or totally expected though. I love how some of these people are still trying to pass themselves off as centrists.

  38. As I said, how many people carry two loaded glocks to the grocery store?
