
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Locusts are Restless

China GDP is coming down, but inflation is on the rise (depending on what you read). GDP may be coming down because banks are tightening and building may be slowing. We know where that leads, right? But reported inflation is rising and is somewhere around 6%, according to the International Herald Tribune.

US says Pakistan leadership has lost credibility. (one could argue if they ever even had any to start with). US cut aid by 1/3. Going to improve the situation? No.

Egyptians back in the streets protesting. Instead of going bowling?

12 killed across Syria as thousands join protests.

Afgan’s president’s brother is assassinated. He was getting too powerful. Other afgani leaders are afraid, at least one has received a death notification by the Taliban.

Quad Daffy’s global legitimacy crumbles. US recognizes the rebel government and unfreezes assets for them to use.

We all know about the budget. Minn’s sad state of affairs. Bernank says massive layoffs will happen if no increase in the debt ceiling. Does that tell you our economy is based on a paper tiger or what? See what the results are for outsourcing?

Here’s the herd report. I should do this more often, I know. I think a lot of the news above is being baked in. I see money rotating into metals, gold, and stocks with international sales. As most of you know, I developed a screener which measures a stock’s performance against the S&P500. There is a 5-day performance factor, and a 20 day performance factor. If you see the 5 day at 0%, and the 20 day at –7%, you could conclude that this sector is turning around, heading positive. I know ithe data in the columns won’t line up, you’ll have to be flexible. I used % as the delimiter between the data points.

For a surprise, have a look at education. Big trend up, surprisingly. Relative strength for 20 day is around 10%, and for 5 day is around 4%. I don’t have a herd for the edu’s, so I’ve averaged (equally weighted) APOL STRA DV ESI COCO CECO as the indicator.

Food’s not so good. $DJTFOB is tracking the S&P for the last 5 days, 0% difference, but the 20 day for foods is 2% below the S&P.

Banks suck. Here’s the data:
Herd 5 day 20 day
XLF 0% -2%
SKF 5% -4%
$BKX -2% -6%
KRE -1% -4%
KBE -1.5% -6%

Chemicals are flat, at 0.

Coal is up. KOL is 4.5% for 5 day, and 5.5% for 20 day.

Aerospace (defense) ITA is –3% for 5 day and 20 day as well. I don’t have a defense herd, and it takes too long to do an average of the ones I follow. But I expect with the pentagon budget cuts looming, they won’t be doing well.

Autos are up. $DJTATO is 1% for the 5 day, and 4.5% for the 20 day.

Metals are looking good. Here:

Herd 5 day 20 day
XME 3.5% 7.5%
SLX 1 % 1%

Energy looks great:

Herd 5 day 20 day
XTXI 5% 15%
WFT 1% 5%

Financials suck.
Herd 5 day 20 day
KCE -1 % -6%

Oh, my pressssioussssss looks pretty to me as well as Gollum:

Herd 5 day 20 day
GLD 4% 2%
$DJTBAS 0% 3%
GDX 10% 12%
IAU 4% 2%
SLV 13% 10%
ZSL -3% -30% (could be a good short for a quick pop)

Healthcare looks like DOWN to me (I would never recommend trading individual stocks in this category because of the FDA news, and the algos read the news faster than I possibly can).

Herd 5 day 20 day
IYH 0% -2%
IXJ 0% -2%
XLV 0% -2%
VHT 0 % -1.5%

The Homies are certainly notwhere you wanna be.

Herd 5 day 20 day
$HGX.X -2% -5.7% (The PHILX housing sector)
$DJTCNS -2% -5.7%
XHB -2% -4%
ITB -2% -6.7%

Insurance isn’t the winner either:

Herd 5 day 20 day
$DJTINN -2.5% -6.7%
KIE -2% -4.7%
IAK -2% -4%

Staples “natto – so – good – o”. (Natto is Japanese and IMHO is not so good)
Herd 5 day 20 day
$DJTNCG 0% 0%
XLP 0% -2%
DBA 1.4% -1.5%

Techs are mixed, big cap techs up, semis and software down.

Herd 5 day 20 day
$DJULTC 1.4% 4.6%
SOX.X -4.4% -3%
SMH -4.5% -2.5%
IGV -3% 0%


Herd 5 day 20 day
$DJTENG 1% 0%
IYE 3% 4%
OIH 2.6% 5%
$OIX.X 2.3% 2.9%
USO 2% 0%
DIG 5.1% 10%

Oil operations XOP is a shining star, with 6.4% on the 5-day, and 9.2% on the 20 day.
Oil equipment XES is also up there with 2.4% on the 5 day, and 7.6% on the 20 day.

Reits don’t look good.

Herd 5 day 20 day
IRET 0% -7.7%
ICF 0% 0%
CUZ -2.5% 0%

Retails are holding their own, but consumer services are down. TIF of course, but consider the client.

Herd 5 day 20 day
$DJTRET 0% -1%
RTH 0% 1%
UCC -2% 4%
TIF 2% 7%
XRT 0% 3%

The solars aren’t so good right now:

Herd 5 day 20 day
TAN -2.5% -7%
GEX -1.7% -7.5%

Tellys aren’t doing well

Herd 5 day 20 day
IYZ -2% -3%
$DJTTEL 0% -3.4%

Transports are getting depressed with $DJT at –2% on the 5 day and 0% on the 20 day, and $DJTTR at –1.5% on the 5 day, and 0% on the 20 day.


Herd 5 day 20 day
$DJTUTS 0% -5%
UTH 0% 2%
XLU 0% -2%
IDU 0% -3%


  1. Nice post, Rock. Hard to dispute any of it.

    On another front, Dem wins the first of many GOP recall elections in WI. Fun times!

  2. Great post Rock! :-)

    Manny - noway!!

  3. Manny - and how much you wanna bet Walker is thrown out next year as well.

    Buyers remorse? This is what you get people.

  4. Dang Rock - You RockJuly 20, 2011 at 12:44 PM

    Rock - I am very much enjoying your "Herds" especially coupled with your performance factor.

    That is something that can be set up however someone chooses and checked every day and allow you to see how a trend is setting up while it is in the process of setting.

    And it is also so easy a Mangy Ass Mutt could us it.



  5. Thor - As you and the rest of the country get ready to bake in the heat.

    It is supposed to get all the way up to 72 degrees today - But this weekend they said it will get to the mid 80's


  6. Mutt - you'll have better weather than we will this weekend, our highs are in the high 70's ;-)

  7. Meanwhile, surprise, surprise, the GOP freshman are full of shite. Cuts are always welcome. Only for another district.

  8. And, by the way, that bridge that Bachmann wants to build? Goes right through her own town, Stillwater, which is a quaint little touristy river town. And I don't believe the current bridge needs replacing either. So she's against "wasteful" spending, which means anythign that doesn't directly benefit her and her consituents. Isn't that what these self-consumed narcissists/nihilists are all about? It's not worthy if it doesn't benefit THEM directly? Heckuva way to run a community, government and country.

  9. Let's hope this sticks.

    “Republicans have already said they won’t vote for any package, period, because of their opposition to a functional economy,” Grijalva said. “House Democrats hold the key to whatever plan can pass Congress. That’s why the Senate ‘Gang of Six’ proposal is dead on arrival.”

    Read more:

  10. She Prayed About ItJuly 20, 2011 at 2:28 PM

    Mannwich - How can you call someone like Bachmann a "self-consumed narcissists/nihilists"

    I am sure she prayed about that bridge and God probably told her that the bridge is A GO!.


  11. You just made my point, Mutt? Anyone who thinks that God "speaks directly to them" personally indeed qualifies as a "narcissist" (and nutjob), if you ask me.

  12. LOL Mutt. And I know that was basically the point that YOU were making as well.

  13. Let the games continue!

  14. and this - JESUS where is our third party????? If someone with money, and a good set of balls would just DO it already it would be the end of BOTH parties in this country.

    In a sign of the potential political consequences of the public’s discontent, 63 percent of all Americans say they are inclined to look around for new representatives in the 2012 elections, the highest on record in Post-ABC polls.

  15. Amazing Thor, but other reps won't do anything different if the system is basically the same, meaning until big corporate and banking money is out of the electoral system, we can't really expect anything meaningful to change. It's just not going to happen.

  16. Manny - Yeah, just not one of those people who thinks "nothing will ever change, so why bother". I think that's actually part of our biggest problem in this country, people giving up, thinking things will never change. If we don't do our part to help things change, then we can't really bitch about the system we live under right? :-)

  17. Not saying that nothing will ever change but what I'm saying is that under the current political system where big money rules all due to campaign financing rules and the recent Supreme Court ruling on corps being "people" and thus able to exert their "First Amendment Rights" of giving to political campaigns, that I doubt things will change much. Bottom line is that once even the most well meaning individual sees the way to stick around is by playing that game, what do you think they'll choose to do? They'll either play it and stick around, but do what the corps want, or they'll leave after one term and likely and get nothing done. Or they'll be marginalized like Sanders, Kucinich, etc.

  18. Manny - true, but if hundreds of them were elected to congress at once it would as difficult to ignore them as is is ignoring the Tea Baggers. A few yes, a groundswell of them would be a game changer.

    The alternative to what we have now, at least for those of us who can afford to do so, is to leave the country. I for one would never stay here if we keep moving farther and farther to the right and farther into the realm of true plutocracy. Australia and Canada I think would both welcome highly skilled native English speakers ;-)

  19. Agreed, Thor. We'd probably leave eventually as well.

    I just think the influence of money in the electoral system is the root (or one of them) of all that ails the system. Get to that, and you hit at the heart of it and have a real chance at substantive change. If not, then it's not likely outside of a potentially violent revolution of some sort.

  20. Might not have to be violent, I think we were in a very similar place politically in the 20's, The Depression seems to have broken that log-jam, at least for a little while. Maybe we'll get lucky again this time, I sure hope so, I'm getting more and more discouraged every year.

  21. Thor - You got my vote.

    Our country is in desperate need of people who have conviction and solid morals, but sadly I believe Mannwich's train of thought (5:48) is far more accurate to what will really happen.

    We have a small group of 535 people making decissions for 350,000,000 Americans and those 535 people basically have no choice but to listen to the corporations that funded their campain.


  22. FINE - burst my bubble why dontcha!

    Seriously though, you guys are right, always the eternal optimist :-)

    I'd hate for us to have to wait until this entire generation is gone, and hope the generations that follow (ours and the millenials) aren't as corrupt as the current crop of "leaders" are. . . .

  23. So much for the meme that Wells wasn't involved in this mess. Is there anyone in the financial services industry at least at this level who wasn't engaging in criminal activity back then (and still now)?

  24. "If someone with money, and a good set of balls would just DO it already it would be the end of BOTH parties in this country."

    Nah. Rich and independent people have tried many times to run with their own many....they don't get elected too often.

    See Meg Whitman as a recent example and Ross Perot as an older example.

  25. Andy - nah, I was referring more to a philanthropist or two who would aid in setting up a third party in this country, not someone with money actually running for office. This latest crop of millionaires in the House is showing is exactly what we get when we let the foxes into the hen house.

  26. you're all right though, it's not going to happen anytime soon. The rot is too deep, the plutocracy too entrenched into our society. Manny, I think you had it when you said it would take something massive and painful to knock it all down to start again.

    Although guys, when you think about it, that's pretty much exactly what TPTB are doing right? All over the world governments are making all the wrong decisions at the wrong times.

  27. @Thor: "Wrong decisions" for whom? Certainly not wrong for a certain group of people. And they're obviously all who matters. The rest of us just have to understand the lay of the land and fend for ourselves for the remaining scraps. That's the way it's been for a long time now and it ain't getting better in that regard.

  28. Yet another reason to either not use Facebook or work for a big company. Or both.

    Isn't social media basically lame and bland enough without this influence? Me-thinks this is a big problem for the life span of social media sites.

  29. Man we're building mass transit here like you wouldn't believe. Amazing watching this in LA, and it's so strongly supported by everyone in the community. They're on schedule to complete a line that will go right behind where I work in Santa Monica in two years, the Exposition line (phase II). Once that's finished, I'll be able to take the subway near my house in Hollywood, and then transfer to the light rail downtown and go all the way to work and to the beach. I'll be able to take the subway all the way to the beach in less than 10 years.

    This is all being paid for by a tax we passed here in 2008. That's how seriously people here take mass transit, we passed a tax measure (increased sales tax) in the middle of the 2008 nightmare.

  30. Manny - that's frightening, but not unexpected. I consider myself so lucky that I chose this career, I have always been very very careful about what I put online or keep in a place that is in any way accessible from the internet or my phone. Everything you do online, at all times, is tracked somewhere. Every dirty text, every nasty email, every cute naked pics people send to other people. All of it, somewhere is being tracked. I'd just never take that chance. My last name is very unique, I think there is one other person in the entire country with my first and last name (and my first name is JOHN!). I google myself all the time, everyone should, you'd be surprised what's out there, and how easy it is for anyone with a little bit of skill to find out absolutely anything they want about you.

    Scary shit :-) Take my professional opinion, always be very very careful, especially at work! Bored and unscrupulous IT people read yours emails constantly.

  31. and so funny that you mention that - I was just looking at a picture of my 18 year old nephews smoking a fat bong in my sisters backyard. Thinking to myself that this stupid kid is never going to be able to get a job anywhere. All on facebook, for everyone to see. And of course, his phone number is also in his profile.

    No, I wasn't shocked that my 18 year old nephew was doing something like that in my sisters back yard, she was probably the one taking the picture. These are my Texas relatives and we're not close. Vidor actually, Andy should know where that is.

  32. I honestly think that if more of this comes to light, the life span of the "social media" fad may be shorter than we think, once people start to smarten up. I mean, isn't that site bland and boring enough without having to worry about every little thing you post for fear that some big company is going to exclude you from their plans. Talk about living every day in fear. My God. What makes social media even remotely interesting for me is to see some original things being posted and once that goes away, I feel like it will just die off like all other fads. What's next, the media and other powerful entities/corps hacking into our phones, computers and health records? Oh, wait......

  33. "The rest of us just have to understand the lay of the land and fend for ourselves for the remaining scraps."

    Ok. I'll bite Jeff....

    Just because this blog has changed a little bit and seems a bit more open to 'peanut gallery' comments..

    "Scraps" of what? What scraps are you talking about? Tax payer scraps? Where'd those scraps come from?

    What are people really "entitled" to?

    I think in agreement on many things....that banks never should have been bailed out by congress/FED...that there probably shouldn't even be a FED...banks should have to 'bid' on the money/credit they seek.

    Without talking about how evil all "banksters" are and how everyone in finance should be shot in the face....which is probably mostly true....

    I'd be interested in know what exactly are people "entitled to" according your world view?

    Are we all entitled to:

    A JOB?
    A college education?
    World class health care?
    Cable TV?
    Personal automobiles?
    Food Vouchers to Applebees/Chili's?
    Cell Phone service?
    Name brand clothing?
    Car washes at the Gas Station?

    We're a relatively rich society. We should be able to provide for everyone here. That's true. I agree with that idea/concept.

    But, the question I wonder about is...what exactly do we all really "deserve?"

  34. True Thor, but why should we all have to live in abject fear about every little thing we do or say in or private lives? What if some company decides to not hire you (or worse) due to some innocuous political belief or statement, or your "lifestyle" that has nothing to do with your ability to do the job? Is that the kind of world you want to live in? I think I'll pass, thanks. If I didn't have to use this crap for my little business, I wouldn't be on it all. My goal is to never work for a large company again, so hopefully it won't matter for me anyway.

  35. would never and have never had a Twitter or Facebook account.

    digital trails will cause people problems for a long, long time.

  36. @Andy T: Fair points, but if our leaders are going to continually set the tone by socializing all big losses every time they screw up, then I think that then turning around forcing austerity on the rest of us as a result is not only deeply unfair, but morally repugnant. Unlike some who want to simply wave it off and say "that's life, suck it up", that's where I start my thought processes and everything flows from there. I deeply, deeply resent the hypocritial bullshit being foisted up on us by our so-called "betters". Forcing only the Sheeple to play in a real cutthroat "free market" "paradise", while the rich get bailed out by US time and time again, simply doesn't sit well with me. Call me crazy......

    If we're going to have real or some form even remotely close to "free market capitalism", let's have it, but for EVERYONE, not just the unwashed, who are, yes, left to fight for the remaining "scraps" after the oligarchy (the real "entitlement class") takes what they believe they are entitled to.

  37. @Mann.

    The above is just me going on a little Libertarian rant....

    You've worked hard to be where you are. So has Thor. So have most people...

    Did you ever really feel "entitled" to anything in your life? Probably not.

    Other than just basic freedoms and liberties...

    I guess that's my main point in the above...

  38. Andy - I don't think anyone here has said, or even thinks, that all banksters are bad, and all people in finance are evil. That would be statistically impossible, we may make sweeping generalizations like that from time to time, but I think that it is understood that even within the world of hedge fund managers and quant traders, the rotten apples are nowhere near a majority of the profession.

    Let me axe YOU a question though, since yes, the blog has changed ;-) Do you really believe that that is what we think? Have you not been around us for what? going on two years now? I think you should give some of the folks here a little more credit, we're not THAT far to the left.

  39. Andy - and that was very nice of you!! Clarification is always so so good on these blogs. :-)

  40. @Andy T: I will dump my accounts once I no longer use it as a marketing tool. I mostly keep my posts pretty bland but as a bit of an experiment every now and then post something somewhat controversial to see if someone will bite. Most of the time it's not shallow enough for anyone to chime in and I get zero comments or maybe a few "likes". I honestly think this social media crap is going to have a shorter shelf life than people think for many reasons, but most of all, it's really pretty boring stuff.

  41. Agree with most your 11.12...

    Bailing out those institutions was this country's biggest failure in the last few years.

    Any talking head who advocated any of that....went into my 'disgusted' list. It's one of the reasons I became less enamored with BR. If you check out his record during that time, he was one of the folks looking for Fed help....

  42. And, no, I don't think all bankers are "bad" and deserve to "be shot". I used to work in the industry as well after all and still have many friends in it, but I DO think that much of Wall Street is VERY corrupt and even criminal, especially at the top, which is one reason why I couldn't stay in the industry in good conscience. The other reason being I simply loathed the culture at these places and big companies just aren't a good fit for me personally. First rule. Know thyself. The only thing I could stomach was the pay and even that wasn't good enough reason to stay long term. My heart was never in it, even if I did find it fascinating on many levels and still do.

  43. Manny - I spent nearly 10 years in Advertising, and worked six of those in one of the largest agencies in the country. I can tell you with all honest, that Advertising is every bit as corrupt especially at the top.

  44. Agreed Andy (11:16 p.m.). It's one reason why I don't post over there anymore, although I do still lurk from time to time and greatly respect BR's work on other levels. We can't always agree on everything right? LOL.

    I simply can't get that sick feeling out of my stomach from the bailouts after the crisis hit mainly because it was deeply unfair on many levels but also because it sets the tone for what they'll do again when something even bigger happens. After all, they got this one through without an uprising, so why wouldn't they try it again?

  45. I hear you, Thor. It's why I'm trying to make it on my own. I have to at least try, right? If I fail, at least I tried and went down fighting. No regrets. I'll probably just try something else if this doesn't work out. My main motivation to succeed is to never feel like I HAVE to go back to something that I can't look myself in the mirror and live with myself doing. Luckily for me I have that opportunity to do so. Some people don't have that opportunity due to financial reasons or health care concerns if they leave a perceived "stable" job for something less certain.

  46. Andy - I didn't know that about BR. I lost most of my interest in what he had to say when I realized he was using the comments in the blog in his investment strategy. There is a wealth of experience and expertise in many different areas within the comments of his blog. I was probably slower than most to have figured that out. He can't be happy that the comments have dried up the way they have over the last year.

    Yves has much much more to offer. Whether you agree with her or not, the woman knows her shit.

  47. "Let me axe YOU a question though, since yes, the blog has changed ;-) Do you really believe that that is what we think? Have you not been around us for what? going on two years now? I think you should give some of the folks here a little more credit, we're not THAT far to the left."

    Dude, I think you need to go back and re-read the comments of the last few years. :-) I know you're all smart enough to not believe everything you write...and I know there's a lot of hyperbole in there.... ditto with me and things I might write.

    But, just reading the comments, mannwich would probably be the most lefty person I to my own my Mom. I love my mom and I think I'd like Mannwich as well...and there's nothing wrong with being an extremely left-leaning person....but, judging from the comments, day in and day out, it's hard not to assume an extraordinary leftish stance.

    And, there's nothing wrong with that....AT ALL.

    We'd probably argue all day long if left in a room...but, I'd always respect the view and your right to believe it.

    We've all walked different paths in life and we've all seen different things that shape our's one of the beautiful things about the human condition.

    Have a good night all.

  48. Manny - totally know what you mean man. I envy you working for yourself like that. I had a chance to do that when I was in my 20's and in retrospect I should have taken advantage of the opportunity when it came up. I took three years off work when my mom died and went back to school to finish my BA in Pysch. I wanted to do something different to "make a difference", I finished my degree but realized there was no way I'd ever be a good therapist, plus after 10 years I might be making about what I was when I left IT. So I held my nose and went back to being an IT Manager, here we are almost five years later and I love what I do, love the company that I work for, and have made some of the best friends in my life working there!

    So, the point of that long rambling story is, do what feels right, exactly what you're doing. When it doesn't feel right anymore, go do something else, you're a smart guy buddy, and I know you'll succeed in whatever you do!

  49. @Andy T (11:13 p.m.): Fair enough. I understand your point. I guess as someone who's parents were not college educated and who worked hard all of their lives (and never felt entitled to much of anything), it deeply disturbs me to see to just what great lengths our leaders will go to bail out the most fortunate among us while throwing hard working regular folk under the bus to do so. It hits me to the very core of my being, which is why I get so upset about it and may overstate things from time to time (you think?). LOL.

  50. Andy! Hahahaha, you've been living in Texas too long buddy! Manny is SO not far left. Dude, go up to SF and I'll show you far left. I'm quite a ways to the left of Manny (I think) and even I am horrified by the liberalism in SF, it's destroyed the city!!

  51. Which is why I always laugh when people say I'm far left. I grew up in far FAR left country, and I saw first hand what that does to a city. We joke here in LA that SF is nothing but Queers and Homeless, which is mostly true, you're just leaving out rich white people and the tens of thousands of cheap Chinese labor washing their dishes, cleaning their pools, and mowing their lawns.

    There's nothing quite so shocking as going to such a scenically beautiful city, with so very many wealthy people, so full of homeless people, urine, and excrement.

    No, I'm definitely not far left.

  52. @Andy T: I think hyperbole is quite a common thing on most of these blogs. Wouldn't you agree? LOL. Sometimes it gets a little out of hand and I'm often one of the worst offenders. I'll freely admit that. Let's just say it's a good forum for "venting" a bit. An outlet, if you will. If you met me and hung out with me in person, I'm quite sure that you find me to be a pretty regular guy. I'm sure I'd feel the same about you and others who post on these site as well. For the most part, my views are a bit left (especially social ones), but you'd be surprised. It's not always that clear cut on everything. My biggest pet peeve are phones and hypocrites and bullshitters. I'd rather disagree with someone (and if that someone knows their facts) but have them be square with me in the process. All of this bullshitting by our politicians (and their cronies on Wall Street and Corporate America) is just too much for me to take at times, maybe now more than ever. It's why I left the big company environment. I simply couldn't keep my mouth shut and suffer fools (and the bullshit, which insulted my intelligence) gladly. It drove me freaking nuts. I could have played the game, but I didn't WANT to because I couldn't live with myself and do that.

  53. Also, as I've said in the past, as someone who believes in his own abilities in competition with others, I am sympathetic to those who have libertarian views. In a more perfect world with more perfect humans, it could actually be tried and maybe even work. I simply don't believe it's possible in the world that we live in now, probably now more than ever. Although, when the government is just as corrupt and in bed with the so-called "capitalists", then it's likely even worse in many respects. The bottom line is the leaders in government and business need to set the appropriate tone in a society for trust to remain and for the system to work and ours are doing a damn horrific job at it.

  54. That is true, Thor. My buddy lives in SF and he and I chuckle all the time about the absurdities of that place. Now THAT is "far left". I'm maybe more "MN left", which would be very moderate out there in SF and parts of LA. LOL.

  55. Manny - hah, I feel you man. My mouth is constantly getting me in trouble. The owner of the company walked by me smoking a couple years ago and made some comment about "this being a health company" and before I could stop myself I said "do you say the same thing to all the overweight people in the office when you pass them"? His response was "good point" but everyone at work knows I have a mouth, and the one thing I will not tolerate is anyone being mean, or condescending to any of my guys and the people I work with know it.

    I'm very very lucky that I work for a privately owned company. I've never had such a positive experience with an employer before, one in a million, especially for our size, we're up to 600 now!

  56. That is awesome, Thor. GREAT point to the owner, by the way. Although you can gain respect by speaking out, one does need to choose his/her spots wisely in those places if one wants to stick around longer term. It's something I've advised my wife on and she does a fantastic job at it.

  57. Manny - and there's our common ground I think, with Andy I mean. I would say you and I feel as though we already have a regulation free business environment, look at the BP oil spill. So, how are we to be guaranteed that even more regulations on top of the ones we have are going to solve our problem? It seems like the problem would be solved with better enforcement.

    Which then ties in to our other point, if we do go the route of simpler regulations, we then need to stop cutting of the funds to enforce those regulations.

  58. Manny, it doesn't hurt that I'm also known to be one of the hardest workers and most dedicated employees. Plus I'm 5'11, and 210 so people tend to think twice before they get in my way :-)

  59. @Thor: Hard work and high competence usually makes up that in a big way. Agreed. You get away with more statements and actions that may be impolitic if you're a high performer and hard worker, which is as it should be, if you ask me.

  60. Gotta hit the hay. Early bike ride tomorrow. As someone who loathes exercising or doing anything strenuous in the early mornings, is not going to be easy! Good night!

  61. And, I agree with you. If the cops are in bed with industry, then isn't it already a regulation-free (or worse) environment? Great point.

  62. Shoot. Drawn back in before bed...

    Thor: in re: San Francisco,etc.

    True Blue libertarians embrace many aspects of SF. That's the subtlty of who we (libs) are and how we're much different than many of the Teapot wingnuts.

    I don't care if gay people get married. I don't care if a gay couple adopts a child. I don't care about public displays of affection for gay people...I don't mind drug legalization across the board.

    None of it really bothers me at all. As long as people aren't harming others or infringing on anyone else's liberties, it's pretty much 'cool' for me.

    When it comes to social things, i'd be the most liberal guy you'd ever meet. Really.

    bed time for sure now.....

  63. "Entire Apple Stores being FAKED in China" -

    Fakery as no one does better than China!


  64. Print baby print!

    Savers = Suckers!

    Sheeple ought be good!


  65. "Banks pay back TARP funds by.........Borrowing from treasury" -

    Save the Elite Ruling Speculator class!


  66. Andy (12:15) I agree with most of what you had to say and although a good arguement can be made for why some people are against gay marriage and adoption, I honestly believe the vast majority of people simply do not care what others choose to do in their private lives as long as it doesn't bring harm to others.

    But what REALLY rubs me the wrong way, is when people say others HAVE to except them for their differences.

    I use to work with a black lady who tried to shove her culture down other peoples throats and if we did not except her point of view we were bigots.....And to me that is BULLSHIT!!!

    Let people live their lives they way they see fit, but don't tell others the have to except it.

    Mangy Mutt

  67. Elite Ruling ClassJuly 21, 2011 at 11:47 AM

    Ican - Where can I sign up to be part of the elite ruling class?


  68. Morning guys! Slow start for me so far :-/

    Andy, thank you for that!

  69. Rock has boots on soil.

    Now, go figure that one out if you're a newbee.

    I thought I was lucky, not having to fly Aerofloat (our homey term for C130s--you fly those for 24 hours and you feel very buzzy needles and pins, itchy all over. I flew commercial, so I upgraded to business.

    There was an infant in our upstairs cabin. It wailed maybe 8 hours of the 9 hour tokyo-SFO leg. I am so tired I can't think.

    @AndyT: your observation about digital tails, you have no idea how right you are. These digital tails are used in ways no one would believe.

    Also, keep your cellphone off unless you want to check messages and or need to call someone. And then turn it on only in a very very public place.

    I will start tomorrow to read the posts and figure out wassup. No trading of course the last 2 days (maybe that's not true, maybe there was trading the day before today, but I've lost what today is and when yesterday was.

    Flying this direction is very hard on an old man. I don't know why.

  70. @Andy T: That is one reason why true "liberals" or "progressives" (whatever, don't really like the labels too much because most of us are more complicated than that) and libertarians can see eye to eye on many things and do have some major common ground (hence my sympathies with many libertarian beliefs). Where we depart is the role government should play in other aspects of our lives. The problem right now is government is so corrupt at many levels, it serves as an argument for less of it, but what happens when the private sector is just as corrupt and even more so? For me, it's simply a failure of leadership at all levels of culture. Tyranny of the Incompetent and Corrupt reigns. Until the current crowd is swept away at these levels, and replaced by new uncorrupted (and uncorruptible - is that possible?) leadership, then nothing substantive will likely change.

  71. @Mutt:Where can I sign up to be part of the elite ruling class?

    Get yourself a Google Plus account for a starter. That'll give an (admittedly short lived) advantage over the herd.

  72. It's rally time again then! doesn't matter if nothing concrete came out of the EU meeting.. nothing understandable at least, it seems..(well, except NO taxes on banks)

  73. Anyone read this yet?

    10% unemployment soon
    There aren’t enough jobs to go around now, and there will be even fewer jobs a few months down the road, writes columnist Jeff Reeves.

  74. And thks Rock for the good (a little bit depressing) post;) as always, you "rock"..

    One note about French "herds": usually, financial and autos are the first to plunge here,when doubts come back to haunt the markets.

  75. No problem, Thor. Those people are not needed anyway. At least that's the mentality now.

  76. Meh - the article was weak and poorly written, he's making sweeping generalizations about what the unemployment rate will be based on announced layoffs. He doesn't even list public employee layoffs in the fed and state.

  77. Boots On The GroundJuly 21, 2011 at 12:51 PM

    Rock - Very happy to hear you have returned safely.

    Best of luck to you going foreward.

    Mangy Mutt

  78. GoogleBully - You and your handle made me laugh.



  79. "temporary “selective default” on some of its debt.

    Sometimes even I feel more serious than them, when I hear that kind of wording

    Not even to discuss the real intentions (good or bad) of our rulers, but seriously, these people are strange.

  80. re privacy: maybe the wisest thing is to keep all your ubber private stuff not only offline, but out of anything electronics.


  81. This is really good. Some in the Tea Party might think he's being serious though.

  82. Temporary Selective HearingJuly 21, 2011 at 1:23 PM

    WolfStreet - Anyone who has had teenagers in their house can tell you they often times suffer from "Temporary Selective Hearing"

    Hmmmm Makes me wonder if I can convince my wife to have a Temporary Selective Divorce.

    You know Mel Gibson isn't a bad guy at all he just had Temporary Selective Mental Heath Issues.

    And from here on out I will only be paying my bills in a Temporary Selective way.


  83. What's the prior OBL high? We must be inching pretty close to it.

  84. @Rock,

    SU -


  85. Taibbi chimes in on the con that is the corporate tax holiday:

  86. @Mutt(11:47).

    Have you any experience in:



  87. ICan - It just so happens I do have experience in the above list.

    Is it just experience that they are looking for or do I have to actually be good at any of it?


  88. This is the craziest story I have ever heard about counterfeiting in China-a whole Apple store, no less!


  89. I'll put up an open thread for tomorrow - Rock you filled up in one day! :-)

  90. It got more interesting for Murdoch:

  91. Manny - I hope they bury the fucker.

    Sorry for the language :P

  92. Thor - No needs to worry about your language.

    It is just sad to think someone like him could be receiving the pleasures of fucking.

    Maybe if you wanted to REALLY curse him, you could say "I hope they bury the impudent jerk"


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