Trends, Cycles and Waves Part 1 The 15-20 year mega-earthquake cycle
Arab Revolutions Through the WikiLeaks Lens, Libya and the Iraq syndrome
China’s Thirst Makes Wahaha’s ‘Poorest Boss’ the Richest
Asian Swaps Clearinghouse Faces Fragmentation Risk, ISDA Says
Apple May Sell 600,000 New IPads in Debut, Topping Original
Are You Ready for the New Peer-to-Peer Economy?.Ah, I miss the old scams...
Fed Recovery Flawed as Companies Get Credit Denied to Consumers. "“The 2007-2009 recession period looks different from previous economic cycles,” John McElravey, a bond analyst at Wells Fargo Securities LLC in Charlotte, North Carolina, said in a March 8 report. “Consumer credit outstanding contracted much more sharply than in other periods, and the return to positive growth rates has been relatively slow.”"
Carlyle Group Lost $105 Million On A Fictional Chinese Forestry Company, And It Will Make The Same Mistake Again
, China Media Express: all will be revealed. Maurice! What have you done!
Sole survivor sitting on a $5b fortune. I'd like to find the other half of this story, if I had the time.
Frano Selak: 'world's luckiest man' gives away his lottery fortune
Huge blast at Japan nuclear power plant
ReplyDeleteWhat a clusterf***!
ReplyDeleteGreat links. Again.
I really liked Graeme Wood's article. I suspect you put that one in for Dss and me.
ReplyDeleteone thing that may sound racist is my opinion of the Chinese.
I have gone to the taxi stand (there are places here where you can't flag a taxi down, you have to go to the stand) and I have addressed a Chinese (my ex-wife said I couldn't tell who's chinese or not, and that's a lie, I can tell). I can bet them that the next taxi that shows up will have a license number ending in 8.
Withoud a doubt, the Chinese I'm talking to will give me at least 5/1 odds on a dollar, and will take that bet.
Of course, the odds should be 10/1, but that's not the point. The point is that the Chinese will gamble on anything, and will instantly understand odds of winning, and make the bet if the odds are in their favor.
Now for Chinese companies listed on the US exchanges: same holds true. The companies don't have to be real. The financials can be cooked or forged or invented. However, if the Chinese feels he can win, he will make the bet.
If he loses, he does not face any penalty. He is not investigated by the SEC, because he is Chinese. And the Chinese government doesn't care because that's just one went wrong, and they can fleece the west with the many.
We are at war. It's more than just software piracy, or attacks on our government computers by the Chinese Government sponsored hackers. We are at complete financial war.
Shorting the sham Chinese companies only hurts those in the west who invests in these companies. It does not hurt the Chinese sham companies at all.
If you can, short SHLD.
ReplyDeleteI just know. TDAmeritrade won't let me short. If your broker will let you, do it.
ReplyDeleteLol. This crazy Croatians!. A house in Zagreb a brand new 6th wife and a new hip replacement.
What else can he ask from life? Priceless.
@greg(Mar.11,2011 5:57PM)
ReplyDeleteYou wrote," Could someone here enlighten me to what the Saudis would want to revolt against?...basically taken care of from birth to death...that seem to be a pretty good gig".
Not sure about the enlightened part, but here is someone who summed it up:
"Give me Liberty, or give me Death".
There was an article in the L.A.Times, to which I provided a link few days ago, said,"One of their demand was independent judciary and an end to corruption".
"Sixty lawyers, doctors, academics and clerics are Saudi Arabia's leading opposition voices and many have been jailed for SEEMINGLY MILD ACTS OF PROTEST such as letters, petitions, and calls to foreign journalists".
Saudi government's response to the protest,"We will make sure they (protesters) are isolated and put under control".
"Wary but hopeful, Saudi dissidents gather weekly". http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/
Maslow's hierarcy of needs.
ReplyDeleteRE: QOTD,
"Markets like totalitarian governments".
WallStreet loves totalitarian governments. Easier to bribe.
From the Graeme wood article,"Of the hundreds of cables leaked from Cairo, Tunis, and Tripoli...not one predicts imminent collapse...What has the State Department been up to all these years".
ReplyDeleteWhat has the CIA been to all these years? One blunder after another ... from 9/11, Iraq and now this?
Thanks Emmy,
ReplyDeleteGreat links as always.
The comparisons for the Kobe and the new earthquake should be very useful going forward.
So many resources will have to be devoted to the reconstruction and keeping people alive.
ReplyDeleteThese are the same people who could not predict the end of the Soviet Union, or the fall of the Berlin Wall, or that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Purposeful indifference and ignorance?
And how many billions are wasted every year on intelligence that is not intelligent?
It is a union plot, hatched to undermine our democracy, I tell ya!
Home tomorrow. Sorry to leave the warmth and sunshine of Florida, but it will be nice to get home again.
ReplyDeleteRock - I downloaded and ran Rootkit, it identified 8 root level discrepancies.
ReplyDeleteThere were a lot of good programs in the Sysinternals suite and I almost downloaded the entire thing just so I could play around with them, but figured there is no way I could get to all of them, so stuck with the one you recommended and a couple others that looked beneficial.
Anyway because of your suggestion and the direction Rootkit took me, I ended up removing some programs and doing a couple other tweaks and so far so good as it appears things are running smoother on this machine.
Awesome link fest Emmie! WOW, that earthquake is triggering other faults? And it looks like they're about to have a meltdown? Sheesh, poor Japan. Get ready for an interesting week eh?
ReplyDeleteIn-laws are in the market for an iPad2. We went to two Best Buys and an Apple store and everyone was sold out. Sales people told us that they're flying off the shelves "much faster" than the iPad 1.
ReplyDeleteNuts. So much for it just being a fad eh Greg? ;-)
I guess everyone wants to seem "cool". We all know that's going to wear off!
@Dss, ICan:
ReplyDeleteThe reason we're behind is because we have to play by "US rules". When we play by international rules, some bleeding heart politician or blogger or newspaper cries "foul foul!!"
That's why a few days ago I commented that we should not speed, but should keep up with traffic. Right now, we're in the slow lane when it comes to international intelligence gathering because of the "US rules" we have to play by.
From Mr. Wood: "Part of the erosion of U.S. influence was due..to... Mubarak's impression that the United States couldn't ... keep its allies safe."
If you want to keep your allies safe, you can't play by US rules. You have to play by international rules. I guarantee you that my personal safety would be at risk if they shut down Guantanamo Bay. But the bleeding hearts say "close it down".
Notice before the election Obama was in the "shut it down" camp, and to date, it's still running? Ever wonder why?
Anyone notice how CNN now has the same live blog as Al Jazeera? Is that new?
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome.
In the future, you may wanna stay away from *those* websites....
Get emule, and use that.
My other suggestion is to take one PC, lock that one down, use that one only for your financial work. Never use that one to surf. And never use your surfing PC for financial access and/or data transmission.
The other thing is that since you've found rootkits, please clean the machine and change all your passwords. As soon as you can.
After you clean the rootkits, you can buy and install Norton 360 (it does not slow down your machine, as some blogs claim....they are the ones that don't want you to use Norton because they want your machine as a Bot). Scan using Norton and let it remove the viruses and trackers it finds.
There is nothing better. You will read on blogs and websites that there is, but those are the guys who want your machine as a bot.
I hate to use these words, but in this case, trust me.
Remember even Thor said something like "Symantec, you gotta love it".
Please do the right thing for you and your family.
ReplyDeleteI forgot to tell you, but there's one rootkit that is legitimate. I can't remember the name, but it modifies the SCSI interface to permit a logical drive to act as a DVD drive. It permits you to mount DVD files from an HDD and play it through a DVD playback program. It's not necessary anymore because Power DVD has been modified to play HDD files, so you take an unencrypted DVD and copy it to your HDD, and PowerDVD will play them.
Safety of nuclear energy, an issue on the forefront.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand we have coal and pollution. Take your pick of a poison pill -
From Ft.com
ReplyDelete"Japan battles to prevent full nuclear meltdown".
"Radiation fears triggers Tokyo exodus".
"Scars emerge as Japan count its dead. More than 10,000 people from just one town missing".
Worst crisis since WW2.
A true Black Swan. Heart breaking for a lot of families for sure.
A truly horrific tragedy for the Japanese unfolding. Black Swans are everywhere these days, it seems. What's next?
ReplyDeleteUgh - The devastation is horrific, and it's in well prepared Japan. I've been thinking about how we would fare, or how WILL we fare here when the big one finally hits. Twenty million people.
ReplyDeleteImagine what THAT would do to the economy, 40% of our imports come in through our ports, I'm sure that could be re-routed, but the other ports on the west coast I don't think could handle it if we were taken out of business. You'd have to reroute around to the Gulf or the East Coast.
ReplyDeleteRock - thanks for letting me know about the DVD rootkit, it was not picked up during the check, but trust me I did my homework on everything before removing them.
ReplyDeleteThere were two that Sysinternals could not confirm when they were installed, but they did come from Microsoft so, they stayed.
Thanks Again
"Stunning New Footage of Incoming Tsunami"
Especially this one - Natorigawa River Tsunami Earthquake in Japan.
Helicopter footage from a Japanese T.V. station - 15 minutes long.
ReplyDeleteIf Katrina and our other hurricane disasters in Florida are any example of how America responds to mass destruction, we are going to be truly screwed.
And New Orleans was a major port and they still argued about putting money into the levees.
If Katrina taught me anything it was that our government will not be there because they didn't want to put money that is required to prepare our country for disaster.
Remember the mantra - government is incompetent, wasteful and filled with first responder union workers who are fat, lazy and rich.
Denise - I can just see it, during the next massive natural disaster. Why is there so much looting? Why aren't these fires being put out? Where are all the ambulances?? What do you mean we fired all of them?
ReplyDeleteOur country would not handle a major disaster very well. At least "Heck of a job Brownie" Bush crony is not in charge of FEMA, but after decades of defunding the agencies that would respond to these disasters, not to mention the many National Guard units still in the ME, with all of their equipment, we will be screwed regardless.
The right will use any excuse to destroy the Obama presidency and they will find fault no matter what he does.
On a cheerier note, the Nikkei is down 6%.
ReplyDeleteBank of America Leak - Anonymous plans Monday release
ReplyDelete"(Reuters) - Anonymous, a hacker group sympathetic to WikiLeaks, plans to release e-mails obtained from Bank of America Corp early Monday morning, according to posts on the group's Twitter feed.
The group, unrelated to the document leak website founded by Julian Assange, said it plans to release documents exposing "corruption and fraud" at the largest U.S. bank by assets."
BAC is hoping that the situation in Japan drowns out all publicity.
so a down day tomorrow? :-)
ReplyDeletefutures down 60
ReplyDeleteICan - That was some pretty amazing footage, thanks for putting up the link.
Thor - From what I have seen and heard on the news, the U.S. has already sent, supplies, equipment and military personal to help the Japanese in this time of great need. And rightfully so.
ReplyDeleteBut if we contrast what our government is doing for a foreign nation as compared to what they did and will do for our own, it is a pretty sober awaking.
The majority of people in New Orleans are poor and black, the city it's self should have been reclaimed by the ocean years ago, who is going to stick up for them? Not too many and their was surpisingly little national outcry for the way those people were treated.
But I guarantee you, if their was a national disast on that scale that hit the San Fransisco area, the national government would be there establishing order within 24 hours. Why, do I believe they would? Cuz there are a lot of white people with money.
It is not fair and GWB is an ass, but he knew where his voting block was
Truer words were never spoken, Mutt. Sad, but true in the richest nation in the world.