I’d like to point out that the volume is falling, which my trainer told me that means the price action is not justified. Fewer people are being involved, so there is no commitment on price direction. Additionally, look at the MF (money flow). It’s headed to the lower boundary, meaning money is flowing out of the trade action. Disclaimer: I don’t have the math behind the MF chart. So I’m not completely sure what it is, other than the user’s manual for my StrategyDesk software says that’s what it is.
Now here’s a chart of IWM. As you know, the theory is that IWM leads the way. As you can see on Jul 7, the money flow is out of IWM, which started a fall. The fall was over around July 18, when the money flow was turned around and into IWM. Then on July 22, we again see the money flow start coming out of IWM, and the fall was not over until August 9.

Now shift your observation over to today (the right side of the chart). You see that the money flow is on the bottom, but the price has held up. Interesting. My theory (and I believe Mannwich also) is that the reason we’ve held the price up since around Oct 27 is the new money coming in from Europe (although the preference is the bond market, some spill over into risk is inevitable).
So we have the SPY’s pennant with decreasing volume indicating a break lower. We have IWM with the money flow already at the bottom and Euros heading our way, indicating a move higher. Who’s going to be the winner of these opposing forces?
Let me now look at one of my favorite leading indicators, the 3LB chart of the number of stocks trading above their 50 day MA.

As you can see by looking at July8-Aug8 peiod on this chart, a fall was tracked, and the actual fall started on the July 4 bar. That indicator is before the MoneyFlow was indicating money was coming out of the market. I think we have that again, that around Nov 1, we see the SPXA50 start to fall, and the MF follow around Nov 8.
OK, Rock, what’s your conclusion? I think the fall’s not over yet. I think we’ll see the SPXA50 chart go down to around 150. I think the MF chart will stay below it’s lower line, and money will come out of the market. So I think when we get to the end of the pennant, we’ll break lower.
Here’s one more short-term data point. Mutt’s estimate for a high proved out, but look what happened to the TRIN the last hour. Wow! This is quite bearish, and the aftermarket action confirmed this. I expect a pop down in the morning, making this a Turn-Around-Tuesday.

This is contrary to all my pressure indicators, including Relative Strength. So my regular charts are telling me we’re going higher. Maybe that’s why I haven’t been successful in my setups and trades. So now I will be playing the tape with a lower bias. I’ll take my profits today from the long side, and wait for a setup to the short side and start trying to make money with shorts.
Thks Rock. I too have a bearish bias. Re: the pennant: One can wonder whether such an obvious pattern on the SPX will still work out.
ReplyDeleteLet's see.
re-reading the post, I meant to say "take my long profits from yesterday", forgetting that this doesn't appear until today.
ReplyDeleteToday I start trading with a negative bias: sell short the blips and buy to cover the dips.
Oil is trading over 100/barrel. And the dollar is getting stronger.
ReplyDeleteMight be time to play DIG on this pullback. I've started a position and will add on strength.
Look at AAPL! Market's down, and AAPL's up! What do you think about *that* relative strength??!!??
ReplyDeleteI'm so lucky I forgot my ex mother-in-law's account when I got out of all my longs yesterday. She got back into AAPL. a few days ago.
Morning folks! Slow start today!
ReplyDeleteGood article over at NC today on a potential Italian Default scenario.
I like this quote and agree with it very strongly.
I believe the global economy is in a cyclical upturn within a larger depression.
ReplyDeleteWhat's up with WTI crude over $100? A month ago or so it was $75?
Did you see any good news?
ReplyDeleteWhat's up with WTI crude over $100? A month ago or so it was $75?
Did you see any good news?
ReplyDeleteWhat's up with WTI crude over $100? A month ago or so it was $75?
Did you see any good news?
Sorry for multiple post! I don't know what happened.
ReplyDeleteGreat article, thanks.
I too agree. The thing omitted is that the US has been developing a bubble since 1621. The reason for that is the unlimited availability and use of natural resources. Now the resources we want are no longer unlimited, nor are they available for free. Our bubble is bursting.
He alludes to this when he discusses Norway.
Regarding the check: if the ECB doesn't write it, the US and China are just as likely. However, before we write the check, we should have options on the Italian Rivera, the Leaning Tower of Piza, the Sist1ne Chapel, and Sicily.
Have a look at the VXX. Once again, we're at that same support/resistance level from a couple of posts ago. Looks like it could be a triple bottom, if the VXX continues it's bounce upward.
Um, let's see if I can remember what the significance a triple bottom has....ummmm.....?
ReplyDeleteThanks for building up my numbers!
I just thought you wanted my attention!
I heard on Bloomberg that oil use is up, regardless of the downturn in the economy. And reserves of refined products are down.
I heard a Chevron well off Brazil was leaking and is now capped.
I heard Iran is getting close to the bomb.
I heard the Israeli philosophy is "if I go, I will take all you with me".
All bullish for oil prices.
They finally fixed snoring!!! too bad it's too late for my ex-wife.
ReplyDeleteIt's a robot that tickles your forehead when it detects repetitive loud noise, or when blood-oxygen levels drop.
I didn't catch the company, but if that's patented, I'm gonna invest there!
ReplyDeletefrom DJ newswire:
"ConocoPhillips agrees to sell its 50% stake in the Seaway Pipeline to Enbridge for $1.15 billion, a move intended to result in a reversal of the pipeline's flow and to help reduce a glut of crude trapped in the center of the U.S."
ReplyDeleteSo the oil stocks, like SU arn't following oil? Just like gold and gold stocks.
Glut of printed money? Even with all this bad news, oil is above $100. What happens when and if the economy rebounds?
Thanks for your input.
ReplyDeleteI have to load more software to view the commodities and trading there. But if you can, you might overlay the charts of oil and the chevrons and the charts of oil and the producers. It would be an interesting view.
Comment: again very very bearish trend in the TRIN. See the post above. Looks like that.
RMBS got toasted.
ReplyDeleteThey should have, as well.
Applied Materials reported. AMAT's revenues are down. Profits are up, thought so their efficiency is up.
ReplyDeleteProbably a result of the PC industry in general, as that is the big volume (mostly memory).
@Mutt: remember the market has 4 main categories for determining value: 1) fundamentals (which right now are nearly worthless), 2)technicals (charts work) 3) psychologicals, and 4)structurals.
A short on PC industry companies comes from an alysis of 3 + 4 then 2 and not 1. Meaning: psychologicals are probably most important. You don't need new PCs because you aren't hiring. You don't need another one at home because of the expense. (4) structurals are important because the PMs can't seem to make our debt crisis or spending crisis go away, so we be bad for a long time. (2) charts are next, who's the most expensive PE ratio? That's a possible first short.
It's not gambling. It's using your noodle to figure out a risk/reward ration and optimizing your odds to make s successful trade.
Not gambling at all.
Today was a great day for ol' Rock. However, tomorrow Rock has to fly to Washington for some meetings Friday. So tomorrow morning will be a short day for me. And probably not back 'till Monday.
Rock – I can guarantee if any robot tickled my forehead while I was sleeping it would end up against the wall, right quick like.
ReplyDeleteBut that does remind me about a story.
Back in the early 2000’s Tickle Me Elmo’s were all the rage – EVERYONE had to get one.
Well the Tickle Me Elmo factory had an opening for a tickle inspector and after sorting through all the applicants the managers decided to hire a younger blonde woman who seemed well qualified.
On the first day of the job the manager took her around the plant and explained how everything worked, he then took her to end of the assembly line a told her that her job was to take each Tickle Me Elmo off the line and give it to test tickles before placing it in the box.
The manager asked her if she had any questions – she said no. So the manager told her, her shift starts a 7:30 am the next morning.
After going to some early morning meetings the manager shows up at the Tickle Me Elmo plant and to his dismay he finds his new hire knee deep in Elmo dolls and after he gets over his initial shock he goes over to her and discovers that she has a big bag of marbles, red material, scissors and thread and notices she is placing two marbles in the red material and sewing them to the underside of Tickle Me Elmo.
Well the plant manager is livid and demands to know what the HELL she is doing.
So the blond tells him “Yesterday you told me to give each Elmo two testicles and that is what I am doing, Duh”
Mangy Mutt
Rock when you say you are going to Washington is that the state or DC?
Our capitol. District of Columbia.
ReplyDeleteGood story.
Rock that is the wrong Washington, the COOL Washington is over here.
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a great time though.
While you are there can you Occupy something for us? Hmmmmmm Occupy the toilet...Nahhh that sounds like a crappy thing to Occupy....Maybe you could Occupy the subway. Do they have subways in D.C.?
I know Occupy the Capital Building, even if it is just for 30 seconds.
I can see the headlines now "Capital Building Occupied by Rock"
Let us know how the trip goes.
Mangy Mutt
ReplyDeleteThank you. Really.
Rock - There is no reason for you to thank me.
ReplyDeleteI have learned A LOT from you, I learned a lot from Denise.
Thor is the brother I never had and Mannwich and iCan are store houses of information that are invaluable.
We have many other valuable posters that give personal insight and perspective that are so important.
So do NOT thank me man, cuz it is them.
Mangy Mutt
Greece 10 year bonds: 26%. Yes, that's twenty-six percent. Not a mistype.
ReplyDeletePortugal 10 year bonds: 11%. Eleven percent.
Italy 10 year bonds: 7%. Seven percent.
Those poor people.
God willing, I won't see our turn.
Jeez Luize 26 percent that is crazy
ReplyDeleteBut with the U.S. Debt being over 15 trillion and there only being less then 3 trillion in actual printed money, I don't think it will be too long before we start paying more to borrow money, but until that time I do believe more and more people will be buying our "Safer" bonds driving the price down.
But when they stop buying..... To the Moon Alice.
Mangy Mutt
Philly Fed numbers pretty bad. But the talking heads say that building permits are way above expected.
ReplyDeleteSomeone should remind them that a 10% miss when the absolute value is 0 is meaningless. I mean, 10% of 0 = 0.
The building permit numbers are so poor they could have a 100% increase and still not feel any improvement.
Rock - I just checked my savings account it had a 100% increase in it.
ReplyDeleteThen I checked my wallet and over night my money grew 100%
And the lottery ticket I thought was worthless is 100% better than I thought.
So with all this luck I was having I decided to look at myself in the mirror and low and behold I am 100% better looking then I was when I went to sleep.
It looks like the math is FINALLY catching up, but the games keep getting played.
I wonder if GQ wants to put a 100% better looking Mangy Ass Mutt on their cover?
Mangy Ass Mutt
The Cleveland Fed speaks, and the market falls like a flying monkey.
ReplyDeleteI mean like GDP at 2.75% next year, inflation around 2% for the next two years, consumers rebuilding balance sheets, recovery "frustratingly slow".
They said nothing we don't already know.
And the market fell 2points.
Think the algos are reading the newswire and on bad news they sell? Looks like it to me.
Of course, we knew the market was trading on headlines. So this comment is just wasted space.
damnit, I'm missing all the action today :-)
ReplyDeleteNext stop around 1196. Isn't that the Harry wonger's "line in the sand":p? or was it 1096?.. think it was the latter.
ReplyDeletehah, Harry Wanger, whatever happened to him? I don't even see him over at TBP
ReplyDeleteThor - I am not sure who or what Harry was, but he was good for a laugh from time to time.
ReplyDeleteThere was a time I tried to engage him in conversation and he said he "Spent the weekend in the Cascades"
Well No body from this area goes around calling them The Casacades.
When I pushed the question further, he never did say what mountain he was staying.
He was a funny fellow though.
Oh yea and I am 100% smarter for listening to him.
Am I the only one getting crisis fatigued?
ReplyDeleteSupercommittee talks on brink of collapse
Yet, we seem to just keep getting by.
Greetings from NYC. In for a quick visit. Wanted to see for myself what OWS was all about and it looks like I missed the early day action and late day action by showing up during a lull around 3ish. Lots of cops in their gear by the brooklyn bridge though. And media everywhere. Anyway, back home tomorrow. As always, been a fun visit. Love the food options here. Miss that a bit.
ReplyDeleteMannwich - Thanks for Checking in.
ReplyDeleteI have been watching the Occupy Portland events and it has been pretty interesting.
Most of the Occupiers are using great restraint and respect.
The Portland police have for the most part been conducting themselves very professionally also. (But just as there are some Occupiers who want to cause mayhem, there are also some police who do to)
Yesterday I watched as at least 100 police in full riot gear and 5 mounted police pushed the Occupiers off the side walk in front of Chase Bank and then onto the streets, then across the streets.
Now it is just my belief that you can not train for something, wear the uniform of your team and believe you are right side and not eventually want to exert your own justice. And from the little I have been able to observe, I believe it will be the police who break first and do something very inappropriate.
Manny - Thanks for checking in! Are you like me when I go back to SF? Love to visit, but reminded of why you left in the first place? :-) I'd miss the food too! Love living in a place with a lot of different food options, we had Indian last night and I'm going out to Thai for lunch today.
ReplyDeleteMutt - Ooooh, I always forget you live not too far from Portland. What are they doing since they've been evicted by the mayor? I haven't been following Occupy Portland as closely as I have Occupy NY and LA . . .
Thor - Yesterday they went to (I believe) 3 different major banks in down town Portland and 25ish people were arrested.
ReplyDeleteYesterday I just happened to have the TV on and on the right channel because at 4:30 the News cut in showing the officers arriving in full riot gear and 5 mounted officers.
At the time the protesters were on the side walk, but I guess the Chase Bank they were in front of had big glass revolving doors, which got Occupied, which stopped the flow of business, which is when the police (And rightfully so) moved in to restore access to the bank.
However when the police did this, they pushed the protesters into the street, well now the street is Occupied, which stopped the flow of traffic (Rush hour traffic) and the bus service.
The police then started telling the protesters to get out of the streets, which they were forced by the police into.
Than right on camera a police pulled out his/her pepper spray and blasted a lady right in her face, which in my view point was completely unnecessary.
The Occupiers eventually found their way to the side walks and about 1/2 hour later the PoPo left and the crowed remained down town (On the sidewalks)
All in all I believe both the Occupiers and the Portland PoPo are going a great job and both sides a showing great restraint.
Yes there are a few idiots on either side who's only intent is to cause problems (i.e. people not allowing access to a business and an officer pepper spraying an unarmed woman who is not acting in a threatening way)
However the political pressure is going to be on the side of the police and police (I know Rock will probably disagree)by the nature of their job are use to taking charge. So it is my opinion that the police will blink first and do something over the top stupid.
But we also have to keep in mind it is winter so people are a little more subdued, if this thing goes on into spring then summer, it just may be some trouble makers within the Occupy movement that goes over the top stupid.
It is my opinion that the police presence is making things worse and only prolonging this thing. Just an opinion though.
ReplyDelete@thor: yeah, love to visit. Such a fun place but really couldn't see myself living here again. Everything has it's time and place.
Mutt - Thank you for that!!
ReplyDeleteManny, welcome back!
SO glad it's a short week next week.
At a brooklyn whiskey bar last night and who pops around the corner of the bar to shake the bartender's hand? None other than Jim Cramer himself. Not kidding. We were a little taken aback because at first I wasn't sure who it was until he spoke. Pretty funny stuff.
ReplyDeleteDid the cops ask for your papers? I heard they were checking IDs near the protests.
They didn't check me, Emmy, but I may have timed my visit badly that day and missed the real action. When I was there the cops (and media) were all just standing around in riot gear putting up barriers near the Brooklyn bridge waiting for the protesters to come down from union square. There was no tension at all at that point but I think I missed the morning and late afternoon action that day simply by luck so it could have gone on without my seeing it.
ReplyDeleteI am home now. Snowing here. Ugh.
ReplyDeleteSo I go to Boston in late August and see Sox manager Francona and the sox tank shortly thereafter and now Cramer in NYC? A sign about things to come in the markets? Sell, sell, sell! Lol.
ReplyDeleteIt's super cold here too Manny - 61! ;-)
ReplyDeleteMannwich - Did you hear that, poor Thor is suffering through 61 degree weather. OMG Thor is probably having to put on actual and real shoes, to protect his toes.
ReplyDeleteYou know my grandma use to always say if it got bellow 70 degrees it was time to trade in the flip flops for shoes.
Mangy Mutt
"Brussels paper pushes eurobonds as debt crisis solution"
ReplyDeleteEurobonds could quickly ease the debt crisis and reinforce resistance in the eurozone to another crisis, says a European Commission green paper to be published Wednesday.
The document, seen by AFP, proposes three options to help deal with the crisis -- all of the involving eurobonds as a solution.
Markets would love some "eurobonds" based solution, I think.
Interesting map at BR, showing the omnipresence of GS at many different levels of the current debt drama: "Discuss: Goldman Is the New Master of the EU?" http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2011/11/is-goldman-sachs-the-new-master-of-the-eurozone
ReplyDeleteJust the EU?
ReplyDelete"Just the EU?" No, U.S. too of course. But they're increasing their presence in the EU these days, with the nominations of Mario Monti and Mario Draghi (man, doesn't that sound like a remake of the godfather?) at top positions.
ReplyDeleteDuring this short week, I expect light volume (some things just don't change) with pressure up. See the VXX chart above, I expect a drop from 46.86 back to the support line drawn a couple of posts ago to around 44.10. During short weeks, we usually see the market bid up.
ReplyDeleteYou talk about a tight trading range, this rubber band's stretched so tight that if we get good news, "to the moon, alice" like Mutt says. But if we get bad news which everybody expects, we're just going to be caught.
Today I reverse my plays, buy the dips sell the blips. It's hard to flip-flop like this.
Ugly open. AAPL continues its slow slide down as well. So much for 381 being a good entry point.
ReplyDeleteYep. Got stopped out.
Now looking for the turnaround.
Where are all the little HFT robots? Buy Buy Buy...
ReplyDeleteRock - I have been watching a couple pattens start to emerge and depending on how this week ends out. I suspect it will be lower.
I did not think we would have this huge of a sell of so quickly and if this continues I may be pushed from my charts and have to start again, but I think we may get a good entry point.
And what do you mean "It's hard to flip flop" our politicians do it all the time.
Mangy Mutt
Rock if you are looking to get in on this you are a brave man, for now I will just keep my cash on the side lines.
ReplyDeleteSay, if I have a roll of nickles, 3 rolls of pennies, 7 quarters a half stick of gum and a bunch of pocket lint, how much cash am I sitting on?
Buying the dip now. TRIN is very bearish but has started to slope back to reality. Some of us low-ball buyers are coming in.
ReplyDeleteWill see.
Rock - All my life I have heard that expression and all my life I have been confused by it, some people say Will See and others We'll See.
ReplyDeleteMy wife has always said it is Will See but my grandmother said it We'll.
Aghghghghghghghghghgh The things that plague my poor little head.
Awwww - did Wall Street just realize this morning that we're royally f***ed?
ReplyDelete@Thor: The equity markets are like the public in their collective denial. They are the LAST to figure things out and accept reality.
ReplyDeleteManny - agreed! Plus, there has to be a lot of (stupid) foreign money coming into our markets from Europe and Asia these days. It's like rats that keep jumping from one burning ship to another. One of these days it's all going to come crashing down.
ReplyDeleteAnyone care to take a guess on how soon (or long) it takes the EU to start monetizing their debt? I don't think Merkel is going to be able to fight Wall Street on that much longer.
Indeed Thor. Indeed. Fascinating to watch play out. My TLT holding is looking pretty stout. It's about the only thing these days that is though. Still have quite a bit dry powder (cash) that I'd like to put to work someday. Key word being "someday".
ReplyDeleteBoiling over in Egypt again.
Reading the book "The Great Disruption" right now. Highly recommend it. His theory is that we've pushed the boundaries of the earth's limits with our growing population and consumption and that these rolling crises may well be the norm until one final big one nails us, probably within our lifetimes.
ReplyDeletethe "will see" is a leftover (memento) from D'astro. When he started it, I liked it right away. For me, it's kind of a more personal form. The "we'll see" form means (perhaps) us or we together. "will see" to me is more an "I" or "me". I never heard it before D'astro, and I kind of like it because I'm putting my money where my mouth is. So I will see if my gut, charts, and psychology analyses are correct.
Right now, my mouth, and my money, is flat since last week. So "we see" the trading range, but I'm betting this week will go higher (regardless of today's action, if we're down today I'm looking for some good news and a turn-around Tuesday).
But again, I'm keeping my stops tight so any losses are minimized. I have a bad habit of making myself feel that if my gain was 1000 but I didn't sell until it went to 500, I feel as though I've lost 500, rather than gained 500. So the "will" portion is as much a personal commitment as a destiny. For me.
Manny, been reading about the stuff going on in Egypt. So depressing. I'll have to check out that book. Are you finished with it yet? What's your take on it so far?
ReplyDeleteI must admit my persona, reading habits offline lately have consisted of Steven King's latest. VERY good, but I'm biased. Besides, he always writes about the part of Maine he lives in, which is coincidentally, the area of Maine we spent most of our time in last month!
@Thor: It is very good and makes a lot of sense. He is optimistic (as much as one can be) that after a severe adjustment period we (or whomever is left) can make the necessary changes so that things can continue in healthier fashion. I'm not sure I'm as optimistic as he is though. Makes me glad we didn't have kids. About halfway through it.
ReplyDeleteRock - Thanks, I will now be able to tell my wife she is wrong and that it is "We'll See".
ReplyDeleteWe'll see how happy she will be so happy to hear that she is wrong.
What...Huh....You do not think I should mention that to her?
Ok.... I won't
My wife also calls the Out Skirts of Town the Oscars of Town.
There is a strech of road over here that if you look just right you can see a resturant named "Oscars" Every time we pass it I tell her that one of these day's I am going to take her to the Oscar's of Town.
Mangy Mutt
My (not always trustworthy) charts tell me that now that 1196 is broken, next support is 1160/1170. Let's go babe.
ReplyDeleteNo. You don't want to ever tell your wife she's wrong. Unless you like the words "not tonight" "headache" and "no" in your diet.
TRIN's very bearish, at 3.45. Been as high as 4.80 today.
$SPXA50 3LB is down to 289.
My charts support your hypothesis. But I bought the dip, and it's still a pretty good play. I think overnight I'm short, just for a fun little trade.
I'm stopped out. Going short now.
ReplyDeleteRock - Other then the fact we had a pretty big down day, there was no noticable rally and there was a nice sell off into the close.
ReplyDeleteThat there continues to be massive uncertainty in Europe and that the StuperCommittee here in the U.S. looks like it is going to be a big fat fail.
My bet is tomorrow is going to be a down day.
But hey it is easy for me to say, cuz I am keeping my 7 quarters and pocket lint out of the market.
But best of luck to you.
Mangy Mutt
Peter L Brandt.
ReplyDelete"Charts I am watching the week of Nov. 20, 2011"
Also, isn't the thanksgiving week bullish for euities? This year may not be.
Well, 2012 is looking to be quite the eventful year. Should make '68 look like a cake walk.
ReplyDeleteI might add, for anyone who might be into that Mayan crap. From what I've been reading, they didn't predict the end of the world in 2012, their calendar just ends then. A new one starts. So maybe 2012 isn't the end of the world as we know it, maybe that's the year things really start to change . . .
ReplyDeleteYou heard it here first. Miss Cleo be gone now chile'
This is fan-FUCKING-tastic. About the utter intellectual dishonesty of many libertarians out there who said that deficits didn't matter back in the day when it served their longer term dishonest aims but now say they do. Which is it?
great article manny. I love the photo of Reagan, I wonder what they're laughing at. It looks dirty.
ReplyDeleteThor - The Mayan calendar actually says "End of Maize" but the linguist who deciphered it thought it said "End of Days"
That just means we run out of corn, no more ethanol either.
ReplyDeleteThanks. I caught some of the sell-off yesterday, and the revision of the GDP downward is going to help me this AM.
But Friday's job numbers (I think it's Friday, I have to look it up and check) may be up, so I'm for sure getting out of my short position before that.
My reasoning for the job numbers being up is
1) Service companies are reporting better revenues. (I haven't checked free cash and that's the key).
2) The malls are packed here in CA. You have to park in West Palestine to get a spot, and it's hard for me to find 2 together (I hog 2 in my vette) no matter how far out I go. Peolpe are carrying packages and bags as they walk around. (Sorry for the Palestine reference, ICan. It's just a saying: far far away is either East Jesus or West Palestine).
3)Unemployment numbers have been decreasing slightly
4) Seasonal hiring is upon us.
This is all philosophicals. I may update my list of 4 aspects of the market to 5, to include headlines. But that's only for short term moves.
ReplyDeleteNo more ethanol???!!!???!!
What am I gonna drink???!!!!??!!
5) Redbook report shows 1.7% increase in retail sales over October, and 3.7$ over a year ago.
Rock - Thanks for your input.
ReplyDeleteNow do not take me wrong, because I believe charts and patterns and the technical voodoo going into making market analysis is very important, but I also believe things phase and cycle through.
With that being said I believe because of the economic uncertainty that we not only as a nation face, but also face as a world, that people everywhere are looking for that one magic moment to make it all better.
Which makes buy the rumor, sell the news very important.
After you posted your above I tend to believe you are correct.
ReplyDeleteDJ Newswire:
"Canada September Retail Sales Climb 1%, Doubling Expectations"
Great job, man! Keep spending!!!
banks report profits up by 49%, but their reserves against loan losses dropped by 47%. Loans were only up 0.3%
ReplyDeleteDoesn't this increase bank risks?
Rock - Do you suppose that 1% increase in Canadian Retail Sales means iCan got us a Christmas present?
ReplyDeleteI so hope he got me a Brand New Lexus.
ReplyDeleteI certainly hope so, too. I could really use a new set of tools: a radial saw, cutoff saw, 3/8 drill, 1/2 hammer drill, table saw, tile saw, benchtop drill press, car buffer/polisher, hand grinder, compressor, hoses and brad gun, staple gun and nailgun, and torque impact wrench. All stuff I dumped to go to Singapore.....
This is shocking:
Here's a couple of interesting bits from Bloomberg:
ReplyDeleteFirst, banks' analysts accuracy on bank's stock outlook is poor:
And second, it looks like a *lot* of APPL will be sold, either by necessity, or by law:
This can be thought of as a kind of reverse-buyback, which should lower the price.
Rock - If we know APPL will be sold, logic dictates we will have more supply then demand...At least temporarily.
ReplyDeleteSo logic would also dictact that as the buy back is reaching it's peak it could be a good time to buy into APPL.
Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
Mannwich (12:11) - In referance to the article claiming people who watch FOX are less smarter than those who do not.
ReplyDeleteI am not quite sure what you found shocking as the study to place in New Jeresy....
Mangy Mutt
As Layoffs Rise, Stock Buybacks Consume Cash. What a pathetic way to run a company. All short term focused to appease you know who, Wall Street.
@Mutt: I didn't find it shocking at all, actually. Was being snarky. Anyone who watches any TV "infotainment" source as their main (or only) source of "news" is likely not as well informed as those who use other sources.
ReplyDeleteWall Street is shrinking? Finally?
Has to be deflationary, right?
ReplyDeleteGreat comment.
@Mannwich: Maybe I should start watching Fox. I might be a happier, bubblier person.
Merck wil be paying the US Government 950M to stop the Vioxx probe.
@Rock: I don't about happier, but definitely dumber.
ReplyDeleteThe TRIN is very bearish, has been increasing all afternoon. Not the same rate as the other day, but it's up to around 2.1 now from a low of around 1.5.
ReplyDeleteI've been playing short, after getting stopped out on my longs, and doing quite well.
@Mannwich: I feel sorry for everyone who's losing jobs. Even Wall street. And the guys who're getting affected aren't the big bonus winners, so I wonder how many jobs would have been saved if they cut bonusii.
I think we'll see more industries affected because a lot of the basics are down. I think the skew will come from seasonal employment (remember the Mickey cartoon where he works in the christmas tree yard and Pete torches it with his stogie? I think that's what is happening now in our economy. The stogies want us Mickeys under their thumb. And keep their bonusii.
@Rock: I hear you and definitely agree with you for the most part (the ones who get bounced are almost never the proximate cause of our problems, but they are contributing in their own small ways just working there), but I think that big changes need to happen for things to become more functional, one of which is radically overhauling/shrinking Wall Street's role in relation to the wider economy.
ReplyDeleteThis is a GOOD sign if you ask me:
ReplyDelete"It’s lost its luster,” said a former Goldman analyst who left the financial sector this year. The former analyst, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he signed a confidentiality agreement with the firm, said that in addition to losing some of the monetary benefits of their jobs, his friends who remained in finance were suffering from peer envy. “The new status jobs aren’t at Goldman Sachs. They’re at Google, Apple and Facebook.”
ReplyDeleteRock your spelling of Bonusii makes me wonder a few things.
1) If you have a single octopus, it is call an octopus, however if you have more then one octopus you have octopi.
2) Using the same reasoning a bonus would be called a bonus, more then one would be called bonii
3) If it is the Wall Street Banker Jerks who are getting bonii, what do us little fellows get?
Besides being F…..
Mangy Mutt
Ex-Madoff trader admits faking trades since the '70s. The WTF headline of the day:
Heckuva a job regulators.
Whither the Santa Rally? Looking damn ominous to me on many fronts.