Ok, so Thor stole my day.
My day.
Like I never did it to him.
“I’ve been down so God Damn long that it looks like up to me” Doors
Bloomberg interviewed Tom DeMark. A smart man, no doubt. He predicted the latest rise to 1255, and hit the timeframe exactly. This may be a misinterpretation of what he said, but this is what I got out of it.
DeMark’s looking at 1973, and a repeat of those trading times, where in 1973 there was an August 23rd low, and an 18% rise in the same timeframe that our Oct 1 low to now exhibited.
He’s saying that he’s looking for several higher closes than yesterday, (now when you read this, day-before yesterday) then back down to 1206.
Still in our trading range, but we got a little higher on the high side. I thought we might have a little higher high because of the commitment volume we had on Aug 3-6. DeMark was saying that the 4-6 sequential higher closes to come in the next few days will be a bulltrap. He also said the fall in Nov 1973 was a sharp downside move.
Me, I’ll just trade the tape. Right now, the tape is telling me we’re headed lower. See the VXX chart below. The MACD is rising, the stochastics are heading higher, we’ve crossed the (blue) short term resistance line convincingly with not enough volume for me to believe there’s conviction here. If I saw a lot of volume, then I’d say look out below. Without that volume, DeMark is likely correct we’ll see some higher closes.

DeMark’s prediction may be right. After a couple of down days, we could see a turnaround and go back up to the 1255 range and have a few higher low closes.
This coincides with Mannwich’s belief that money will be flowing from the Eurozone into the US markets and treasuries (maybe gold too). That money will peter out, and then we go lower. That coincides with DeMark’s stuff, That money may cause a few slightly up days, and when it’s done, we thump back to 1206. Remember the market is like the Queen Elizabeth—it takes some time to reverse course.
These churn markets are really hard to make money. Maybe I should get my day job back. (ha).
The last chart that Thor wants to throw up (*burp*) is the 3LB of the SPXA50 from Stockcharts. This is the chart which shows how many stocks are trading above their 50 day moving average. Looks like it’s at the top. Maybe time to start a reversal?

Well, we had a 4 hour warning on the turnaround. See this updated VXX chart: