More creative pumpkin carvings
Welcome everyone to our Grand Opening. We hope that most of the kinks have been worked out and everyone has migrated to the new site.
First and foremost we are happy to have our own site and we welcome everyone to participate. Our goal is to provide a place where people can congregate, feel welcome, but is now owned by our community at large.
Thor did a fabulous job of setting everything up and tweaking the site to get the right mix of colors and features. Please feel free to comment if you have any suggestions regarding format, colors, and features and we will do our best to accommodate everyone. There was no monetary cost in creating this blog.
Secondly, we want to link to Blogger's Content Policy which is self explanatory:
Blogger Content Policy
Which brings us to the question of what policy the group would like to see with regard to comments that may not be in clear violation of the Blogger Content Policy, but are offensive to any of our members as individuals, i.e., egregious ad hominem attacks, veiled slurs, lies, etc. We walk a fine line here as reasonable people can disagree on what constitutes what is offensive and what is not.
Do we want or need a cop on the corner, or do we let everything and anything stand?
This point is crucial going forward as a blog can be destroyed in days with flame wars, invasions by people who don't have our blog's best interests in mind, or targeted attacks against individuals that are intended to create conflict and chaos and are ultimately toxic to the site.
With regard to posting and published daily content, we welcome anyone who wants to post whether it is just a one time event, or on a regular basis, as many voices are better than a few.
Any posters or commentators need to observe the copyright rules as set out in Blogger with regard to fair use of copyrighted material and photos or you may be sued for copyright infringement.
Digital Millennium Copyright Act
Thank you for your support during this transition time and please feel free to comment on ANYTHING that is important to you as a member of our group.
Just clearing some thoughts -
ReplyDeleteIf the fed prints, China dumps treasuries, dollor goes down, Yen goes up, Japan prints, commodities go up, ems go up. But everyone else prints too, to buy dollors, dollor goes up.
Why print in the first place? Mad, mad, mad world. Let the markets be free!
I Can
ICan - Crazy isn't it?
ReplyDeleteDenise - Well said!. Me thinks all we need are super simple rules everyone can understand, either something like "Be Respectful" or "Please see the golden rule" Doesn't need to be complicated. Were not writing the tax code :-)
Market tricks and treats -
ReplyDeleteSuper seven days- last four days of the month and the first 3 days of the following month typically yield higher return than other periods during the month.
Reason - Pension and mutual funds in flow, window dressing by funds at the end of the month, quarter, and the year-end.
I Can
@ I Can
ReplyDeleteMy uneducated point of view is that they talk all the time to each other like lovebirds before anything substantial changes.
So more than US doing something and then China responding and then Japan etc etc.They are just staging an theater play where each and everyone knows their role and the other one's moves so no surprises among all of them.First they talk and then is being put in action.
We keep holding our breath as to how is going to end and with all this "soap opera" we get distracted about the end game.Which is a huge amount of debt (the problem here) is being debased or erode and because of population fears inflation don't pick up for a while.
The monetary base grows exponentially, the debt proportionally gets eroded and inflation doesn't appear while they play the whole act.
In the case that commodities start overheating badly then economic activity is going to start to pick up, kicking in supply and demand laws again.
And to prevent severe overheating China stops being a commodities importer for a while (they pile already a good chunk) as long as the rest of the world start consuming more.
Who knows...
I meant inflation doesn't pick up
ReplyDeleteJust need a favor, please could you display in hard cold amerrikan dollars how much it cost for anyone to set up a place like this.
Is a way to allow people to get perspective about how to constrain any "posesive" impulses that may arouse in the future.
Thank you
Dastro - Zero dollars and Zero cents. It took about 2 full hours of work spread over three days to get the "feel" if this place down as we decided how it was we'd like it to look. Two days only because it took us that long to get the colors and layout set up in a way we were all happy with.
ReplyDeleteOnce a person learns how to work with the templates and configureable parts of the blog, I would say you could put something exactly like this up in about 15 minutes of uninterrupted time.
Bottom line, setting this up was extremely easy and free. We don't have our own domain name nor do I (in my professional opinion) need one. Whether our address is or is irrelevant. We're a blog, not a business, there's no functional need for a unique domain name.
Also - I personally thought it was pretty fun creating this with everyone's input. I think the design and layout of our blog, when compared to many of the other blogs we go to in a week, is pretty darn nice :-) We did a great job. "We" being the operative word here, I am not good with colors, my only contribution to the colors of this blog were "anything other than stark white for the background"
ReplyDeleteI guess what I'm a little sensitive to is who "owns" this blog. I set the blog up and registered it to and I have sent a number of the admins the login information for that account. That account is the "true" owner of this blog. Obviously any one of the admins could go in a change the password on that account and "take over" the blog. Considering the amount of time and commitment to this blog all the admins have already put in, I doubt very much any one of us would ever do anything funny. Everyone else would pull out and the blog would be left in the state the old one is right now.
ReplyDeleteIf anything, we just need a couple of senior admins that can help schedule, find other posters, etc.
As I said, I don't think this needs to be overly complicated, the simpler the better in my opinion.
Thank you Thor and the last one.
ReplyDeleteHad we decided to buy a domain how much money would have cost yo all of us?
ReplyDeleteIn Canada - food, fuel(over C$1.05/liter), housing,medicines etc have gone up. CPI numbers are cooked.
Trader Mark at had a good post yesterday -"Prices Paid in Chicago PMI Escalate at 'unimaginable' Rate and Pave".
"Inflation continues to be non existence in Bernanke's eyes - However, the real world continues to scream otherwise.
"In this mornings' Chicago PMI Prices paid surges from 55.0 to 68.9"
Raw material prices excellrating at an unimaginable rate and pace.
It's the U.S. and Japan exporting inflation by printing money.
I Can
Please ignore my typos and grammatical errors.
ReplyDeleteI Can
I Can You are absolutely right, my wrong I should have said very severe rates of inflation and or hyperinflation that tracks exactly the rate at which the dollar is being debased.
Dastro - Oh goodness, that's horribly expensive! You can get a domain name for a year for a whopping 12 bucks a year. There a a shit load of "extra's" GoDaddy and the other Domain Registrar's will try to up-sell you, but really, all anyone would need is the 12 dollar a year registration.
ReplyDeleteSetting up a blog is very simple, easy, and cheap.
Please also excuse all of my grammatical errors :-)
ReplyDeleteJust curious: Is anybody going to be listing actual trades they are involved in on this blog? That would be useful.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous - Yes of course - have you been reading this blog much, or are you new? The traders talk about their trades all day.
ReplyDeleteJust curious though, why do you ask?
Anon - Sorry, that might not have come across the right way. I'm curious as to what it would be that you would be looking for in a blog. I think many of us are looking for different things so it's nice to know what people like. I'm more of a Macro guy than a trader. My investment timeline is years, not days or months.
ReplyDeleteHope that made sense!
Thank you Thor.
ReplyDelete(Turninng back to my chair) more question your honor.
So monney could not be an isssue at all.
Good.The only remaining thing is if someone that is an admin can "take over" the blog?
Yes indeed.
I'll trust in the honor of the other admin, I'll take my chances.
Probably givin admin rights to all the ragulars will create an "old farts council" where we all know each other (e-mail wise) to me looks like it will suffice.
Denise and Thor can keep doing whatever you want I honestly appreciate all your efforts.
And if for some reason another admin is required we are all here already (the regulars).
If newcomers want to get involved excellent, first start adding your efforts and after a while you will be accepted to our club, basically for your effort rather than ideology.
If someone come with the intention of cause a collective nervous breakdown will be thrown out with no mercy.
Or more probably be laugh about.
Thor-Denise if someone just expect to perpetuate conflicts that should be better left in the past simply hit delete.
Personally I doubt that we are getting to that point again call me naive but I believe in human evolution.
Dan laughed about.
ReplyDeleteDastro (3:40) - I for one vote to laugh at them :)
ReplyDeleteIf that does not work a healthy dose of ridicule and if not thrown out.
However I would like to say, it can be VERY difficult to make a point when speaking, it is MUCH harder to do so when writing, especially in blog form.
So benefit of the doubt should go to the poster, if they are unable or unwilling to clarify their point of view - Then LAUGHTER!!!!
Those are the 2 cents of a mangy mutt and I will be needing them back at the end of the day though.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAnon (2:38) - Yes I agree with you on actual trades being listed being helpful. Especially for those of us (Myself) who are newer and not very good.
ReplyDeleteAn example would be "Rock" he will list out not only what he is doing, but how and why. When he is wrong, he expresses what he might do different next time.
Not that you are asking for it, but a word of advise - DO NOT FOLLOW what he (Or any of us) does. Use it as a gauge, do your own home work and find out what works best for YOU!
Learn from yours and our mistakes and best of luck to you.
Mangy Mutt
Dastro - totally agree. I think we're all adults here - any anonymous shit storms can either be ignored, or we can have like a spam thread where we can move that stuff to another area like they do over at Clusterstock. People can go to that thread to see what kind of flames are showing up, but they don't detract from, or disrupt, the overall thread itself. This would be for anonymous drive by's of course. Commenters with their own handles should always get the benefit of the doubt first unless it's extreme.
ReplyDeleteLOL !
I'll second you on that.
That's my curse for not being an alpha male, I'll desperately need other's peoples acceptance so even if another option will be choose I'll second that too, like a good n* 2.
And by the way I very rarely am allowed inside the house, most of the time sleep at the dog house so I know your struggle brother;but different to you I'll just need my two cents in the event of needing a unique domain just to chat with you folks...sorry with you too puppie.
Good point Mutt
ReplyDeleteRock's posts really rock.
I'm more of a sucker but with it's personal creation.
I cannot explain why I'm doing what I'm doing so I very much doubt that someone could claim that I'm giving advice first because I don't state the reasons and second, and more, laughable are based in astrology.So no one could claim following that.
Yes is a way to encourage everybody to develop a system in wich they can trust and just pay attention to what we are doing as another opinion in case our approaches pass the test of time.
Know What You Don't Know- Paul Tudor Jones
ReplyDeleteSome trading wisdom, and rules at
Sunset Blvd is a tournament of freaks tonight. Happy Halloween everybody!
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen that movie in ages.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know it was that easy to set up these blogs. It does seem that everyone has one these days as I click some of Barry's poster's and see their "Blogger" blog.
Plus I didn't know that they were free, I thought that there was some cost to setting one up. Nice to know.
At any rate, you did a great job and I think that the colors and format look very good.
@anon 2:38
ReplyDeleteWhile I comment on the market during the day, I don't usually talk about my trades as I am a day trader and do many trades in one day. This type of trading is not for the faint of heart or most people.
ReplyDeleteYour comment about everyone developing their own system is what I have said before, developing self reliance is the only way to make it on your own.
ReplyDeleteI think our trust in our regular people is explicit and is one of the reasons that this place has survived despite a few bumps in the road.
You make some excellent points, thank you.
What a madhouse out there tonight!
ReplyDeleteDenise, Agreed!
They don't trick-or-treat here, but I had 3 kids come to my door. I did buy MarzBarz. Just in case.
ReplyDeleteI miss making the pumpkin and putting it in the front window.
You guys are lucky.
MarketSci posts Monday 11//01 as a 100% bias up day. I guess this is because that's the day everybody buys. I saw some evicence of this on Friday at the end of the day with volumes and price action.
ReplyDeleteI am not participating.
MarketSci posts Tuesday as a 50% up day, because of turn-of-month day.
MarketSci posts Wednesday as a +75% up day because it's FedDay.
Again, Rock's not participating. Unless we get the pop or sink that meets my market orders. I'm 2%up and 3% down.
Bonjour mes amis:)
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the new blog. Great layout. Been busy these days trying out different trading tools. Was getting tired of bar charts, so I've begun playing with weekly charts displaying only volume and RSI(no price). I filter interesting trades by recognizing RSI trendlines. Timing entries based on daily charts (barcharts+RSI and stochastics).
One needs find what works best for him right?:) I'll keep you updated on that in the next several weeks,if I get something interesting out of it.
Funny pic: Jeremy Grantham: Night of the living Fed – something unbelievably terrifying (and interesting points).
ReplyDeleteHey, Wolfie,
ReplyDeleteThanks! We are pretty happy with the layout. Jeremy Grantham makes some interesting and valid points.
We will be very interested in hearing about the results of your research. I still spend the bulk of my time doing research and analysis.
The 100 Best Signs At The Rally To Restore Sanity And/Or Fear
ReplyDeleteReally great signs from the Rally to Restore Sanity.
ReplyDeleteAnother thing to incorporate into your analysis is "what are the conditions that preceded a move" on all time frames as seeing a move set up on the smallest time frame to it's weekly time frame can be quite revealing.
Rock - I'll be sure to eat a lot of candy today in your honor ;-)
ReplyDeleteWolfie, yes, let us know how that research goes, I'm sure everyone would be interested in that.
@Texas Radio
ReplyDeleteOk man, time to get back in to the house you were very patient but no need to keep staying at the dog house anymore, not here my friend welcome back.
I'm planning to make a post about my "opaque attitude"
ReplyDeleteBut as a primer:
When by primary directions the dispositor gets to a close square to mercury combust to sun.In close range to aldebaran (this of course outside the tropical) and saturn retrograde (in right ascension) is in opposition to them and trine to mars master of the sun in the natal chart and...blah blah blah.
See, this is the first obstacle.
Tha second one is narcissism I'm going to joke at myself as always as much as I can and be self-deprecating because my worst enemy and to any trader (in my view)is ego.
If I use my time and efforts to dazzle people I'm just becoming a rigid, sucker trader.So, I try to have no fortress to defend.
The third one: imagine that this works, why am I going to put on risk it's usefulness?
Similar to moving averages that lost their luster in the 90's when they became too popular.(They still work but not like before).
And the last one that probably was consider the sole reason behind my reticence is that I'm just another human greedy pig polishing a system and try to benefit from it.We'll see if it works.
@Dan 3:40
ReplyDeleteOne point that hasn't been made and should be made is that many successful blogs have moderated comments. TBP, Macro Man, to name two, had to go the route of moderated comments and outright banning in the case of TBP because of trollish behavior. Other wise the comments devolve into "Lord of the Flies", as Manny so aptly put it.
From the wiki:
The book takes place in the midst of a fictitious World War III, suggested by passing references to the use of an "atom bomb," British conflict with the "Reds," and the possibility of spaceflight after the war ends.
The main characters are evacuees from schools in Great Britain whose plane crash landed on a deserted island. Some are ordinary students, while others arrive as a coherent body under an established leader (a choir). Most appear never to have encountered each other before. The book portrays their descent into savagery; left to themselves in a paradisaical country, far from modern civilization, the well-educated children regress to a primitive state.
At an allegorical level, the central theme is the conflicting impulses toward civilization]—live by rules, peacefully and in harmony—and towards the will to power.
Different subjects include the tension between groupthink and individuality, between rational and emotional reactions, and between morality and immorality. How these play out, and how different people feel the influences of these, forms a major subtext of Lord of the Flies.
The analogy is quite apt in description of the blogosphere and how it operates.
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice to hear about some of your day trades. For instance, when you execute a trade, it would be nice to know your entry point and where you run the stop-loss strategy or what your price objective might be. Some of us would be interested in those strategies, understanding that day-trading is "not for everyone."
re DSS:ya, I check the smaller timeframe, not necessarily for confirmation, but at the very least to see if the smaller set up makes for an ok entry.
ReplyDeleteOk. I have one caveat that I will also point out when I post a trade, is that I will post a winning trade as well as a losing trade, and what my thought process was for each trade. But each will have been within a day where I might have made more losing trades than winners, or vice versa. To me the real key is to figure out what kind of day it is and then use the appropriate strategy for that day. i.e., Friday was a perfect day for MACD and tick divergences to work as it was a range day, but those perfect days are rare.
Anon - no kidding, i was horrible at day trading. That was a very expensive lesson to learn too.
ReplyDeleteAnon and Thor,
ReplyDeleteI make much more actual money position trading but the day trades keeps me thinking about the market, otherwise I miss clues as to trend changes, etc. For instance, I had a run of bad luck in 2007, I could not make a dime and shortly there after was the 1st melt down during July. Plus my swing trades were stopping out. This is invaluable information to have as it told me to start looking for the signs of a top. These are subtle clues. When "the dog doesn't bark" kind of clues.
Just a warning, as my shorter term trading is all a part of a larger strategy.
We have a gorgeous Halloween day here in Chicago and the kids are out in force, Cleopatra, Flash Dance Girl, Freddie Krueger, princesses of all sizes, colors and shapes, a few devils, it is so much fun seeing the kids. Makes me nostalgic for when my kids were little.
ReplyDeleteIf we have to go that route, is fine but only if we have to.
Why I said this?
My view is more like a group of friends who split (for reason that I'm not going to analize) and witnessing some snipping to each other among very few of them (all very familiar people) so I don't see anonymous people randomly trolling and annoying.
Everything is among a twenty, thirty people group.
And I beleive the vast majority enjoy each other, so if things get out of hand, then act.
Just wait and see if bothering to one another appears as the only motive when crossing the aisle.
I think both groups (in my view one large group) must behave.
Or declare a weekly Slob Fest Day to become emotional and leave the blogs clean for the rest.
I have the approach of our loved leader Banana Ben, act after the fact...he,he.
But if the council decides to act in a more Bushian "preemptive" way no qualms to me.
I neither enjoy nor attack people and if I need to do it, is just a way to force people to calm down and stop pettiness.
Only one time an anonymous (Opinionator) mock at me and I mock back in response but other than that nobody bothered me and I didnn't bother anyone.
Now we have a brand new zero dollar worth space for us :).
If some members hate each other too much my common sense reaction is that they should avoid each other and not mention each other,(of course no one would admit hate because we are all sophisticated, right?) But ask an impartial observer what he/she sees.
Acting that way will just allows the rest to interact in a less emotional way.
These are public places, if out of hatred or pathological obssesion somone wants to follow you.He/she will get a new e-mail address get acquainted to the group with a new handle and after a while start driving you nuts.In a public space instead of barbwire as a first move I would prefer to appeal to restrain of our own personal pettiness as a start.And see what ensue.
But I'll let the council decide.
ReplyDeleteThe reason why you do not see anonymous trolling is that we delete them ASAP.
Well traffic is still up
ReplyDeleteIf hypotetically out of 100 comments you deleted 10 that were trolling and didn't reach the comments place (means that you removed that kind of comments already, thank you for that) You have the power to removed them, what else has to be changed?
Dastro - gosh no, it's more like 1 in 500comments, . There's like one or two a month -if that. They're aways anonymous until last week, that was the first non anonymous, and we all see how that worked out :-)
ReplyDeleteI think if it's anonymous, we can all just use our judgement. I give you all permission to spare me the random "F" word thrown in my direction. Named commenters should just be told to cool it the first time. No one who's actually trying to debate an issue is going to insist that they be allowed to be unnecessarily rude. We're all grown ups.
Well, *I* might not be a grown up ;-)
ReplyDeleteDenise - those charts are really cool but I wonder if they slow anything down for anyone else. They seem to be affecting me.
ReplyDeleteHow does the one from Free Stock Charts work? I know that Amen had issues, too. We don't need them but if we can find one that works without slowing down the loading for everyone that would be ok. They load ok for me, so I have to wait for everyone else to say they are not working.
ReplyDeleteTHis one is better!
ReplyDeleteI only posted among this group of people so I'm not familiar with blogging or technicals parts.
ReplyDeleteNow we can deleted a comment so what am I missing?
I am still having trouble customizing the free stock charts one. It looks like you should be able to enter your own symbols instead of the stock ones but you can't.
ReplyDeleteDo we want forex?
We'll just leave this one up for a while with out adding anything more to make sure it loads for everyone.
ReplyDeleteThey work good in my case.Nice.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a plan
ReplyDeleteI can't make the batman pumpkin small.
ReplyDeleteI changed the 721px to 521px and it worked. I learn something new everyday.
ReplyDeleteHah, I was batman last night at a costume party.
ReplyDeletetwenty bucks says we finish tomorrow flat.
ReplyDeleteSorry my etiquette code tells me to just ask something only 3 times.
ReplyDeleteLike He-man we have the power now (to delete an obnoxious commenter) we have it now, don't we?.
What I'm missing?
Yes, Dan, we have it now. We had it on the other site for most of the time Thor and I were admins except for the last day or so.
ReplyDeleteAdmins have the ability to delete comments, we don't anticipate having to do so except when absolutely necessary.
No, Thor, when the market starts going up overnight it tends to keep going. Looks like tomorrow will have a gap up and maybe a trend up day, range expansion follows extreme contraction.
ReplyDeleteGood thing I didn't take that bet ;-)
ReplyDeleteFutures are already up .6%.
ReplyDeleteThe market has broken out to the upside of the triangle that I posted on Friday. We'll see how it trades tonight.
ReplyDeleteMarket aunted by the Fed and a black beard with a bag full of U$Ds.
ReplyDeleteThere is a middle ground the admins could use, rather than outright deleting posts. I bring this up, because sometimes a post deserves to be heard, and maybe someone deletes a comment too quickly or doesn't catch the writer's intent. We're all human, and we can get emotional or just make a mistake. The middle ground is to use BR's old habit on TBP of disemvoweling comments that cause concern. That would help flag something as questionable, send a message, and allow other commenters (including the potential offender) to weigh in on things. This would also be in keeping with the community policing itself, and avoiding all the consternation about who can or should "control" this blog. Plus it's pretty funny to see a disemvoweled post, and may help lower the tension that happens when we disagree.
A REALLY bad omen for Texas to have the Bushes throw out the first pitch at the World Series tonight, if you ask me. Yeah, let's honor one of the worst presidents in our history before the World Series, if not THE worst. Makes total sense in these times though. LOL.
ReplyDeleteI agree, kayem. Intense discussions/disagreements that are on topic and not personal attacks should not be deleted.
ReplyDeleteSorry, I meant "comments" instead of "posts" above. I'm trying to agree with Dastro that I'm still for more visibility in the comments, even as we've all seen the damage from various pot-stirrers.
ReplyDeleteKayem -That sounds very reasonable to me. Plus, when you really think about it, we've done a pretty good job of defending our blog.
ReplyDeleteRemind me never to get on Mutt's bad side ;-)
ReplyDeleteWelcome back Kayem!
ReplyDeleteMy understanding was that in the previous place comments remained no matter what.
Now we have the chance to delete comments or banned annoying people, so we are good to go.
Please just mention any concern that you have and we'll try honestly to help solve it.
Mannwich, Thanks. It is exactly the intense discussions that may devolve to personal attacks that get into the gray area for deletion. In the heat of the moment, people get frustrated. Outright deletion just increases the frustration and escalates tension. This is why I would like admins to disemvowel comments as a signal to the community for everyone to step back and take a deep breath. It's still moderation, but a lighter hand at moderation.
ReplyDeleteThor, yes, you and Denise have done a good job. That's why I'm still here. Denise asks in the main post whether we need cop in the corner or let everything and anything stands. My opinion is something in the middle that lets the community see and weigh in on the comments. Or to use Denise's metaphor, the cop in the corner is an English Bobby who doesn't have a gun, but can get more support when needed.
ReplyDeleteI hear you, kayem. Personally, I'm fine with that. What I don't enjoy are the periodic drive-bys that are an obvious and blatant attempt to inflame the blog. For me, it's pretty obvious when someone is trying to do that.
ReplyDeleteWell no one has suggested anything I object to so far. I trust you guys, we've been together this long, that in an of itself says quite a bit. Especially when you consider there are over a dozen of us.
ReplyDeleteSounds good to me.
Look, I know Manny and Thor and how they enjoy a heated discussion so I'm just going to stay out of the way and let them have fun.
On the other hand if someone does not enjoy an exchange like that, we'll just let know the other party to cool down and move on or pick another commenter for the exchange of his/hers views.And just "quarantined" ffrom engaging the original party.
Nothing regimented, respecting different personalities.
If the offensive party keeps insisting in just attacking for the fun of it we will then act; or another option, we will release the Mangy Mutt.
Honestly, to put it bluntly.
ReplyDeleteIf someone comes because still enjoy debating or chatting with someone here so be it.First ammendment.
If that option is long gone in their souls and come only to fuck up with us, then they are just out, forever.
Before that, just give people the chance to evaluate if they want to bring something useful or only hate in a veiled form.
I think we're in violent agreement. Especially on releasing the Mangy Mutt as necessary!
ReplyDeleteJust finished "The Big Short" and am even MORE astonished that nobody of any significant has been charged with a crime. It's just mind boggling. The book was amazing, by the way. Hard to put down. Very fascinating, but morbidly so in many ways. I'm sorry, but we are so fucked if we continue down this path of only strengthening these power players' positioning going forward instead of truly fixing the problems.
ReplyDeleteYes, it is a great book but nothing surprises me anymore with regard to what happened, who was responsible and why.
@Denise: Yeah, pretty much the same here, but having the behind the scenes story laid out that way by Lewis with some of the real live characters and facts only reaffirmed it for me (not that it was necessary), which, I think, was why I didn't read it right away (I got the book in June for my b-day). I wasn't ready to open that can of worms yet.
ReplyDeleteThat is pretty much how Thor and I had been proceeding despite many drive bys by anons and non-anons. Who doesn't like a good debate? There is nothing more boring than people sitting around and agreeing on everything and there have been many spirited conversations here.
What not is ok when the attacks become very personal, or when someone comes over with the express intent to start a flame war, or slurs and direct insults against someone's race, sexual preference, gender, religion or their political beliefs.
I think we are all in agreement about that and we can all move forward. This week is going to be quite a doozy, I think.
One interesting piece of evidence
I agree, Denise, and think the next 3-6 months are going to be VERY interesting on many fronts. Not necessarily positive, but definitely interesting.
ReplyDeleteWe are all in agreement.
Flame wars, slurs direct insults due to race, sexual orientation, gender, religion or political beliefs etc will not be allowed.
We are moving.
A great Op-Ed over at the Sunday NY Times today by Yves Smith at Naked Capitalism:
This foreclosure mess is starting to go mainstream.
Yay! All in agreement. Of course we are, That was about as easy as I thought it would be. Happy Halloween everybody!
ReplyDeleteTomorrow is the first official Manny Monday in our new home!
Did anyone catch The Walking Dead tonight? Really good!!
ReplyDeleteDid I scare anyone?
ReplyDeleteMangy Mutt
Thor - Tonight is Desperate House Wives night.
ReplyDeleteMy wife likes it and sense she puts up with me watching football all day I guess I can sit through that, so No Walking Dead.
But it was good, huh?
:What's Walking Dead? Must be on Fox? :-o
ReplyDeleteSounds more like our blog wars:
ReplyDeleteThe Walking Dead is an epic, edge-of-your-seat drama where personal struggles are magnified against a backdrop of moment-to-moment survival. A survivalist story at its core, the series explores how the living are changed by the overwhelming realization that those who survive can be far more dangerous that the mindless walkers roaming the earth. They themselves have become the walking dead.
No - on AMC. It fascinates me that this is allowed on TV as graphic as it is. I mean, blowing people's heads off graphic. Yet god forbid we get a glimpse of a breast!
ReplyDeleteHey Mutt. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThank you to everyone for your support! We can't tell you enough how much we appreciate every one of you, known and unknown.
ReplyDeleteManny Monday is tomorrow and the markets are shaping up to give us one of the most interesting weeks all year.
Thor - We watched Carrie last night - FYI they are not calles breasts, they are dirty pillows :)
Mutt - Hah! Stephen King is my favorite author. I started reading him when I was 14 (IT) and haven't missed a book since.
ReplyDeleteThor - I think most of his books are pretty good, real page turners and you never know which way they will go.
ReplyDeleteI did not care for "Bag of Bones" and even though "Cell" was a good read, it kind of left me as.... Huh? What was it all about.
Any way I have read most of his books and a few under Richard Buckman (Or however it is spelled) .